Chapter 17

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The weeks flew by. Kathy had a few play dates with Cara and both Maya and Carina liked the blonde girl a lot. She was smart like Kathy and on a scolarship. Her mom and Dad are very proud of her, but also quite strickt.

On Christmas Eve Maya was on shift so they celebrated at the Station.

The air at Station 19 buzzed with excitement as Maya and Carina welcomed their friends and colleagues for a festive Christmas Eve celebration. The firehouse was adorned with twinkling lights, colorful decorations, and the scent of freshly baked cookies wafted through the air, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Andy, her boyfriend Juan, and his daughter Sofia arrived with trays of homemade tamales, their laughter filling the room as they greeted everyone with warm hugs and bright smiles. Travis Montgomery and Vic Hughes brought along trays of holiday treats, their arms laden with gifts for their for their friends and colleagues.

Dean and his daughter Pru arrived hand in hand, their faces alight with excitement as they took in the festive scene before them. Jack and his girlfriend Inara followed close behind, her son Marcus clinging to her hand as they made their way into the firehouse.
As the evening wore on, the firehouse rang with laughter and merriment as friends and colleagues gathered around the roaring fire, swapping stories and sharing memories of holidays past. Maya and Carina led the group in a spirited game of charades, their competitive spirit shining through as they acted out scenes from classic holiday movies.

Outside, the snow began to fall gently, casting a soft glow over the firehouse and adding to the magic of the evening. The sound of carols drifted through the air, mingling with the laughter and chatter of their guests, creating a scene straight out of a holiday movie.

As the night wore on, the group gathered around the Christmas tree, exchanging gifts and sharing heartfelt words of gratitude and love. Maya and Carina watched with joy as Kathy opened her presents, her eyes lighting up with delight as she unwrapped each one.
For Maya and Carina, this was more than just a celebration of the holiday season. It was a celebration of family – chosen family – and the bonds that held them together through thick and thin. As they looked around at the faces of their friends and colleagues, Maya and Carina felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over them, knowing that they were surrounded by love and support.

As the clock struck midnight, signaling the start of Christmas Day, Maya and Carina gathered their loved ones close, their hearts full to bursting with love and gratitude. Together, they raised their voices in song, filling the firehouse with the sweet sounds of carols and laughter.

After New years Kathys first exams started and she was beyond stressed.
Maya and Carina exchanged concerned glances as they watched Kathy pace back and forth in their living room, her brow furrowed with worry. Exam season was in full swing, and the stress was taking its toll on their daughter.

"Kathy, honey, why don't you take a break?" Maya suggested gently, reaching out to touch her shoulder.

Kathy shook her head, her voice trembling with anxiety. "I can't, Mom . I have so much to study for, and I don't know if I'll be able to keep up."

Carina stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Kathy in a comforting embrace. "We understand that you're feeling overwhelmed, but you need to take care of yourself too," she said softly. "You won't be able to do your best if you're not well-rested and healthy."

Tears welled up in Kathy's eyes as she leaned into Carina's embrace, feeling the weight of their love and support. "I just want to do well," she
she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Maya and Carina exchanged a knowing look, silently vowing to do whatever it took to help Kathy through this challenging time. Together, they would navigate the storm of exam season, offering love, encouragement, and unwavering support every step of the way.

They decided to treat everyone after these hard times and go on a big Family holiday to italy.

Maya picked Kathy up after her last exam and guided her to the car. "We have a surprise for you."  Carina started the car and they drove to a Restaurant.

They had a nice lunch together. "Okay. So now we have two surprises. First. You know how your scolarship ends after this month?" Kathy nodded. "I already found a good publicschool close to us. So..." "We want to you to continue going to Private school. We are happy to pay for it." "What?" "If you want." "Yes. Yeah. That would be amazing. I could keep doing Uni classes. Oh my god. Yes. Thank you." "We also have another surprise for you. A treat." Kathy frowned "A treat for me?" "Well for all of us." Maya gave her an envelope. Kathy opened it carefully and revealed three plane ticket. "Plane tickets?" "We are going to italy, bambina." "Oh my god. What? Yes! That is amazing." "We are going to Sicily to see Carinas hometown and relax and enjoy the nature and everything. But we fly to Rome first and stay there for three days, it was better like that with the flights. We can check out the city and Carina can show us some highlights." "Yes. Absolutly. I went to universtity there. I can show you around." Carina smiled and Kathy flung her arms around the two wifes almost throwing them of their chairs. "Thank you thank you thank you." 

When it was finally time to pack, Maya and Carina bustled around their cozy home, excitement palpable in the air as they prepared for their family trip to Italy. The couple aimed  to make lasting memories abroad. Yet, the process of packing proved to be an amusing challenge.

Maya, known for her organizational skills at work, found herself struggling to fit three different packing styles into a single suitcase. "Carina, you're folding everything like it's a work of art. Kathy, why are you trying to squeeze all your books into my suitcase? We're going to Italy, not a the liberary!" "I wouldn't need to bring books to a liberary. Duh!" Kathy answered. 

Carina, defended her method with a playful ironic grin. "Maya, dear, elegance is essential. We can't be caught unprepared in the fashion capital of the world." Maya threw a pair of pants at her as she left the room laughing. 

Meanwhile, Kathy, a teenager fueled by spontaneity and teenage exuberance, insisted on bringing an array of mismatched outfits, not entirely suitable for the Italian streets. "I heard they love bold fashion statements there, Mom. I'm just trying to fit in!"

The chaos heightened when they realized they had forgotten to account for souvenirs. As Maya hurriedly tried to rearrange the luggage, Carina caught sight of Kathy attempting to pack her entire bookshelve in her bag. "I know you read fast, but they have books in italy. You can just buy more there, bambina." "Oh. Okay." 

In the midst of laughter and minor disagreements, the trio finally managed to zip up the overstuffed suitcase. As they stood back to admire their handiwork, a shared sense of anticipation replaced the chaos. Italy awaited, and the Bishop-DeLuca family was ready for the adventure, complete with mismatched outfits and lots of books. 

An: i will continue to only upload twice a week. I haven't had time to prepare and i don't want to get stressed. So now again Wednesday and Sunday.

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