Chapter 3

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TW: Nighmare, panik, injury

September 1st
Maya was woken up by a scream. She turned to Carina, who opened her eyes too. "Did you hear that?" She asked. Maya nodded. "I am going to check on her." Carina nodded and Maya got up. She knocked on the teens door and opened it slightly. The bed light was on and Kathy sat upright clawing at her throat and visably struggling to breathe. "Hey. Hey." Maya walked up to her, but she shyed away. "I am not going to touch you. Can i come closer?" Kathy looked uttlery terrified. "You are save. Noone is here to hurt you. Put your hands down." Kathy lowered her hands still hyperventilating. "Ca..n't breathe.." Maya moved closer to the bed. "You are save. Everything is alright. Okay? Can i come closer?" Kathy nodded. "Sweety you are save, okay? Breathe. In and out." Maya overexaggerated her breathing and Kathy calmed slowly. "Good good." She looked so uncomfortable and scared. Maya just wanted to wrap her in a hug. "Can i hold you hands? When i am anxious or i had a nightmare, Carina draws patterns on my hands with her fingers. It calms me." Maya talked softly. Kathy nodded and put her hands out infront of her. "Good. Breathe." Maya took the girls hands and softly rubbed circles on the palms with her thumbs. Kathy watched closely and followed Mayas breathing. "Thank you." She said after a while. "You are so welcome, sweety. Do you want to talk about what happend?" "Nightmare." Kathy wispered. "Oh. Those suck. I am sorry." "I am okay." Kathy snuggled back in her bed and pulled her blankets up. "We are here to listen, if you want to talk." Kathy shook her head. "Okay. Good night." Maya smiled at her. "Do you want me to stay until you fell asleep?" Kathy shook her head. "I'm okay." Maya smiled. "If not, wake me." Kathy nodded and Maya left her room.

"She is not okay." Maya simply stated and let herself fall on the bed. "What happend?" "She had a nightmare and a really bad panikattack. She was terrified. I think in the first moment she didn't even realize it was me, who came in her room." "Poor Bambina." "She has bruises on her wrists." "What?" Carina was shocked. "He sleeves slipped up when she was struggling to breathe." "Like someone grabbed her?" "No. Like she was tied somewhere. There are abrasions and it looks painful." "Oh my god. I feel so bad for her." "Mhm. What are we supposed to do?" "I don't know. We can't make her confide in us." "Yeah, but we can't just watch?" "No. But she's only been here a day. With us she is safe. We need her to know that and hope she'll open up."

Carina pulled Maya in a hug. They stayed in silence for a little. "What are you thinking?" Carina asked. "I am thinking of what and who could have done this to her." "We don't know anything. I can't help but come up with scenarios myself, but it isn't helping. We can not make something up, she needs to tell us and then we can help her. Until that, we keep her safe." Maya nodded. "I love you." "I love you, too. Now sleep." Carina lowered them down to lay flat on the bed, still cuddled up in a hug and switched the light off.

In the morning Kathy got woken up by terrible pain in her stomach and lower abdomen. She currled up in a fetal position. The stabing pain in her abdomen drew tears in her eyes. She silently cryed and tryed to calm the rising nausea. When it didn't get better after half an hour she thought, she could lie and say she was on her period to get some tylonol. But she was too scared. So she dragged herself out of her bed and got dressed. After that she went into the kitchen. Carina was making some breakfast and smiled at her as she walked into the kitchen. "I am going on a walk." Kathy said and Carina frowned. "Its 7am." "I know. But i need to...clear my mind. I saw on google maps there is a park down the street, if that is okay?" "Sure. Do you not want breakfast?" "No, Thank you." "Okay. Have something to eat when you come back. I am going to work. I only work 8 hours today, so i'll be home in the evening. Maya is home today aswell. She works a 24h from today evening. 7pm i think. So if you need anything, just ask her. She is still sleeping. Your program starts tomorrow, so enjoy your free day." Kathy forced a smile. "I will. Its such nice weather." She had learned to mask well. "Have a nice day at work." She said and left the apartment.

On the way to the pharmacy she had to stop multible times to catch her breath. Her chest hurt and her lower abdomen felt like it was on fire. She grabed a bottle of tylonol and a bottle of Advil payed and made her way back. She wondered if she was out long enough that her story of going to the park would be believable for the time she was gone, but she just wanted to lay down. The pain made her nauseous and it terrified her. When she climbed the steps to her room tears ran down her cheaks and she had to force herself to every next step.

She took a bottle of water from the box next to the stair and hid in her bedroom. Nearly collabsing on her bed, she opened the bottles with shaky hands, taking one of each and swallowing it with the water. She layed down on her bed and cryed waiting for some relieve.

Maya woke up a little after 9 and found a note from Carina. "Morning Bambina. Kathy is on a walk. She needed to clear her mind. But she seemed unwell. Keep an eye on her.  Love you." Maya smiled as she thought of her wife, but then got up to see if Kathy was back home.

Her shoes were standing next to the door, so Maya checked if she was in her room. She found her sleeping. Maya smiled and made herself something to eat. After an hour Kathy came into the livingroom, where Maya was doing a workout on a yogamat.

"Morning." Kathy said. "Hey. How was your walk?" "Good. I feel better. Sorry for last night." "That is absolutely no problem." Kathy smiled. "Did you sleep after i left?" Maya asked and Kathy nodded. "A little." "I'll take it." Maya said and rolled up her mat. "Have you had breakfast yet?" "No. But i am not very hungry." "How about some oatmeal and fruit?" Maya suggested. Kathy nodded and got up to help get it ready.

The day was very calm day. Maya took Kathy shopping, to get something the teen would like. Kathy kind of felt uncomfortable to get something, because she didn't want to be a burden. But eventually she did have a little fun. After they came home Kathy sneaked in her room to take some more painmeds, feeling the pain start to get terrible again. Then she took a book with her and sat on the couch.

"I am going on a run." Maya announced after a quick lunch. Kathy nodded. She had resumed reading.

Maya came home two hours after finding Kathy asleep. It didn't worry her, because she already suspected Kathy hadn't had a restful night. She went to take a shower and then sat down on the chair next to the little brunette teen and watched something on her phone.

An:  New Update plan *sunday* and *Wednesday*

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