Chapter 8

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September 20th

The next couple of days were super hard for the three of them. Kathy struggled to sleep and after the third night in a row she called Maya and Carina crying saying she couldn't sleep. They helped her with talking to her and singing her songs. Kathy also struggled with speaking to Anna and Josi. Kathy did her best, but ist was super hard and the words just wouldn't come out. 

Maya was also struggeling. She sat at her desk wanting to get the quartely budget report done, but her brain wouldn't let her do it. Her mind was coursing around Kathy and how to get Kathy home and as it is usual with ADHD if your brain doesn't want to focus on something, you simply can't.

Maya groaned loudly and turned to the phone. She called the Texan social services again and got as far as to Kathys district, but then she was kicked out of the waitingline again. She slammed the phone down and rested her head in her hands. There was a knock. "Yes?" Andy and Vic came in. "We did our chores, but we wanted to check on you since you seemed stressed during the morning line up." Andy said and sat down on the sofa. "We can not get a hang of who is responsible for Kathy now. The Social system is a big mess. We don't even know if her mother fought the removal of Guardianship or if she even cared?" Vic nodded. "That sounds like a big load of shit." Maya nodded. "It is." 

"Okay. So i have something to tell you two and it is a happy and a confusing thing, so maybe it could lighten your mood.?" Andy said and chuckled. Maya got up and went around the desk to sit on the floor infront of her friends. "Tell us." "Spill" Maya and Vic said.  "I have met someone. Well i have met him like five years ago. We go to the same Boulder Gym. We used to meet every Thurstday morning, when we had thursdays of i would go and with the roster Frankle implemented we almost always had Thursdays off so we saw eachother for a few years every week. We never spoke we just met at the check-in and then saw each other around the gym a few times but we similed at eachother and sometimes told the other about a new route we did. We were equally as good so we battled us sometimes.

When Dixon changed the roster, i went whenever i had time and so we never saw each other again util a few weeks ago. We met at the Gym again. He hadn't been in a while, but now he was back and he asked me to show him good boulders to get back in the game. We chated and we went for coffee after and then he asked for my number and we texted and texted sometimes even for the entire night. And then he asked me out on a date and it was fun we went to get food and we ate it at the pier and the night was warm and the stars. He brought me home and well. yeah. It was amazing the best sex ever. He listened to me and asked me what i like and like did that."  Maya and Vic started laughing. 

"What, you litteraly never had anyone care about your pleasure while having sex?" "No?. I mean Ryan was good, but not that he asked me what i like." "Oh my good. Andy, that is so sad." Maya laughed. "Hey not everyone can be married to an Orgasm specialist."  Andy playfully kicked Maya and Vic laughed. "That is litterally being a decent human being." "I had sex like that with Ripley. It was the best." Vic sighed

"Well so he invited me to his house said he'll cook for me and he has to introduce me to somebody special." "He is married?" Maya said shocked. "No. He has a daughter. A beautifull six year old daughter named Sofia. She is such a sweet girl. Her mother left them after the birth and has never been seen since. His parents help him raise her, but he mostly raises her on his own and she is so well behaved and they have this amazing bond and i really like her. I have picked her up from school two times and hung out with her. She is really outgoing and loves dance and she is like a little version of me. Like litteraly she is a little puertorican-american born girl with long brown hair and she dances."

Maya laughes. "What is his name?" "Oh Juan. He was born in Puerto Rico and moved with his parents when he was two." "What does he do for a job?" Vic asked curious. "He is a mechanic." Andy said and smiled dreamily. "And what is the confusing thing about it." "Well we have been dating for two months now and its been going really well. He wants me to come on holiday with him and Sofia. He wants to go camping with a small campervan he restored. Its amazing, but still i don't know. What if it gets weird what if we don't have anything to talk about anymore?" "Andy. You talk so much. I am sure that the day you don't have anything to talk is the day hell freezes over." Maya said and Vic chuckled.
"Why don't you invite them to the Spagetti dinner next week?" Maya suggested. "How is this going to help my desicion with the holiday?" Andy asked. Maya frowned"Its not. I just thought that i want to get to know them and i thought thats how i could." Andy nodded. "I can invite them. But isn't it like too much? The whole family at once?" "Isn't it comon for Hispanic people to have big familys?" Vic said. "Yes and no." "Juans family is small. He has one brother who lives in New York and they don't talk, because he is his words, "a right winged, rassist, sexist piece of shit" and Juans parents also don't talk to him."

"Have you met Juans parents?" Maya asked. "Yes. We had dinner with them. It was nice. We spoke spanish the entire evening and i loved it. I don't get to speak it too often now that Tia Sandra moved her family south." "That sounds great. Noone ever speaks polish exept my mom." Vic says. "Wait you speak polish?" "Tak, oczywiście, że mówię po polsku" Mayas eyes opened wide. "So i am the only one, who doesn't speak a second language?" "Oh i am sure you know some italian by now." "Only inapropriate stuff." Maya mumbled and the girls laughed.

Maya had missed this. Gossiping with her two best friends. "So do i go on holiday with them?" "Yes. Come on. It sounds amazing." Maya said. Vic nodded. "Go for it girl." 

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