Chapter 12

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Carina had been running from OR to the ER and back and patching up and saving mothers and delivering babys prematurely and preventing that from happening. She was truely working miracles. All the adrenaline had apparently helped her get throught he day. Because now she felt terrible.

She was sitting in her office and typing doctorsnotes and post ops when her eyes threatend to fall close. She had a headache and the terrible feeling of needing to cough, but not being able to. It felt similar to how she felt with the GBS and it scared her, but this was just a cold. She knew Kathy probably had one and that ment she most likely had one too. No reason to panic. And if she will have a cold, she need to get a lot of things done before she could go on sick leave.

Ten minutes after Carina had sat down for the first time in 8 hours. Jo called. "My patients baby is breach. I need your help." Carina nodded. "Okay i am on my way." Carina stood up and held her head. This will not be fun.

She made her way up to the patients room and was really quickly out of breath. She breathed heavily for a few minutes before she slipped a mask over and desinfected her hands. Then she opened the door.

Luckily this was a quick fix and Carina could leave the room. It was getting harder to breath and the need to cough got higher and higher. She went to the water fountain and filled a plastik cup. She swallowed three cups. Aparently she was dehydrated aswell. Nice. But the choking feeling in her throat left.

After another two hours of work running from her office to patients and back, she was spent.
She rested on her sofa and closed her eyes for a second.

"Carina... carina?? Doktor Deluca??" "Hm." Carina sat up quickly causing her to start coughing terribly. It was chesty and hurt. "That sounds painfull." "It is. Can you give me my watterbottle?" Carina said still out of breath and coughing. "Thank you." She took a few sips and sighed. Her breathing was still erratic and shallow. "What do you need, Jo?" "I wanted to tell you Tyra Rison is ready to push." Carina nodded."Okay lets go." "No. You aren't going anywhere near you are sick and you need to go home. Carina you breathing sounds horrible and you can barely open your eyes. Infact i'm going to call Maya to pick you up." "No. I'm fine. Its just a cold." Jo went to a drawer wer she knew Carina kept a thermometer, a Pulsoxymeter and a bloodpressure meter. She measured Carinas temp and frowned. "101,3. And you heartrate is 134. Plus your oxygen. 90. Carina why weren't you saying anything?" "I didn't feel that bad before i fell asleep." She said and started coughing again. "Okay. I am going to get you some oxygen and call your wife."

Jo left the room only to come back 15 minutes later with a can of oxygen and pulled the mask over Carinas face. The cold air felt good. And the dizzying feeling got better. Jo clipped the Pulsoxymeter back on and nodded. "I handed Mrs. Rison over to Dr. Stein. He was here because of research, but he is going to take over your patients." Carina nodded. Dr. Stein was a douch, but a good doctor. He knew his work inside out and he would surely keep her patients save.
"But i couldn't reach Maya." "Thats strange." Carina said through the mask. "Yeah. I heard there was a big four alarm, and Andy got hurt but Maya wasnt at the call with them, said Travis." "Yeah she picked up Kathy from school." Carina coughed again. "Okay stop speaking." Jo said. "We will get you home. But i need to go to my patient. Maybe try to call her again."

Carina rested her eyes. The oxygen did make her feel a lot better. When she heard knock at her door she thought, Maya couldn't possibly be this fast. "Come in." She rasped. It was Levi Schmitt. "Schmitt what do you want?" "Oh, nothing Dr. Deluca. Jo said you needed a ride. I am your ride." "Oh. Well thank you." Carina felt bad that she barked at Schmitt for a second. "Are you ready to go." Carina nodded and took the oxygen off. "Wait, whats your O2 sat now." Carina showed him the Pulsox. "98. I'll take it."

When they arrived at Carinas and Mayas house. Schmitt got out of the car with Carina. "You don't need to walk me to the door." "I do. Jos order. I need to tell Maya, that Jo put you on oxygen and that she needs to bring you back in if your oxygen dropps under 90." "I know, and she knows too. We have had this before since i had the GBS." "Okay. I still am going to talk to your wife."
"Cazzo. Ah.." "what is it?" "I forgot my keys at the Office " Carina frowned. "i guess we have to ring."

When the door rang Maya was burried under Kathy. They didn't think Carina would come home before 10/11 and it was only 9. The day was hard for both Kathy and Maya. Kathy had had one nightmare after another. The fever was making her feel terribly sore and tired, but she fought sleep because of the nightmares. The only position she could relax was directly on top of Maya. Maya rubbed her back and watched a show on the laptop. They had watched a Disney movie but Kathy was out like a light about 5 minutes into the movie. She had the laptop on silent, to not wake Kathy and so she almost jumped when she heard the bell.

Carefully she placed Kathy off on Carinas side of the bed and tryed to leave the room quietly.

When she opened the door and saw Carina leaning on the wall and Levi Schmitt she frowned. "Hello, Captain. I am bringing you your wife. And a message from Jo. She found Carina with an Oxygensaturation of 90 and gave her oxygen. It was at 98 when we left the hospital. If it drops under 90.." "i know. Hey honey. So you are sick too?" Carina nodded. She was dizzy and tired. "Okay. Thank you Schmitt." Schmitt nodded and left. Maya got Carina upstairs into the bathroom. After climbing the stairs Carina coughed so much, Maya was scared she would make herself sick.

Carina rested her head in her hands when the coughing was over. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. Dizzy." "Did you drink enough and eat?" "No. Probably not and also no. This day was chaos." "Okay why don't you change out of your scrubs and cuddle our sweetheart and i will get you some soup. We had some delivered, since Kathy didn't want to let go of me at all today." "Oh poor Bambina. Was she struggling?" "A lot, but we got through it. Maybe now that you are here, i can go check on Andy." "Oh shitt i totally forgott. Yes go. I can man.." "No. I will get you into bed first." Maya kissed Carinas forehead"and will also get you some medicine against the fever." "Have you eaten and the bambina?" "Yeah. We both ate. But Kathy had a really bad coughing attack and threw it up again."

Carina frowned, when a scream cut through the silence. Maya nodded. "I will check on the bambina and then bring you soup. You get changed." Carina nodded. "Give her a kiss from me."

"Hey. Kathy. Hey." Maya sat next to her. The girl was curled into a ball. She was all sweaty and sobbed almost hyperventilating. "Hey. Kathy. Come on. Can you sit up?" The hyperventilating caused her to cough and panik and Mayas heart broke again, when Kathy looked at her with this fear in her eyes. "Its okay. Its okay." Maya wrapped Kathy in a tight hug and rocked her. Over the day she had realized what worked and what didn't. Carina came in the room. "Its really nice to see you with her. You are so good with her." "Well i have had some practice now. The first time it took me almost 45minutes to calm her down." "But you did good, bambina. You are a really good mother." "Thank you." Carina sat down on the bed and took Kathy out of Mayas arms. Carina coughed and groaned. Kathy was not entirely asleep so she grabbed Carinas hand. "Hey bella" "hey. You feel bad too?" "Mhm. Yeah." "Oh. Sorry." Kathy moved away from her. "Its not your fault." "But you probably got it from me." "No. Bambina. We can not know where we got it. And its okay." "Still. I'm sorry. I am a mess and i am always crying. And i don't know why?" Kathy cryed again. "Oh bella. Its so normal. You know. You were in survival mode until now and your body pushed all emotions down to protect you. But now you don't need to push everything down anymore, because you are save and so it all comes up. And that is okay." Kathy nodded.

"Okay. I will get some food for Carina and maybe you two can change Kathys pjs. She is all sweaty." Carina nodded.

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