Chapter 13

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After Maya got the girls settled she drove to the hospital.

She didn't go into Andys room because it looked like she was sleeping. Juan and Sofia sat next to her Sofia sleeping in his arms. Maya knocked carefully not to wake anyone. Juan placed Sofia on the bed next to Andy and went over to the door.

"Hey." Maya said. "Hey." Juan looked like he had cryed. "Sorry. My wife and my daughter are sick. I would have come earlier or maybe i could have prevented it if i'd been there." Mayas mind went down the spiral. This was her fault. Andy was hurt, because she wasn't there. "No. Please, Captain, don't pull yourself down. Andy is strong and this wasn't your or her fault. She will be okay and it will all be fine." "Thank you." "I love her so much. I need her to be okay." Juan almost started crying again. "Hey. She will be. She is tough. She is my sister." "Yeah." He smiled through the tears. "I know she is. It was just so terrifiying." "Yeah. I can imagine." Juan nodded. "I will call you when she wakes up. She lost a lot of blood so the doctors think it might take until the morning, but i'll tell her you were here and i will update you. Go be with your wife and daughter." Maya nodded. "Thank you.".

The day after Carina an Kathy both got tested for bronchitis, because of the terrible cough and came back positive. The got antibiotics and three days later Kathy broke her fever and started to feel a little better.

Andy had woken up and she was also getting better every day. She was already teasing the otheres when they complained for having to do drills.

When Kathy realized what she missed in School and her studdies. She sat at her desk but her head hurt and she was tired and so focusing was hard. When Maya came to check on her she found her with her head on the desk, trying to read a paragraph in her book. "Kathy, Sweety. What are you doing?" "I need to catch up with my work. I am so behind." Maya kneeled infront of her. "But you can do that when you are better. Come on your eyes are red and you look so tired. Come here." Maya opened her arms and Kathy basically fell into them. She was so tired. "My head hurts." She groaned. "I know, sweety." Maya picked her up. "Want to go downstairs and rest on the couch? I'll make you a tea and get you a cold pack for your head." "Yes, please." Kathy said muffled in Mayas neck.

Maya carried her downstairs but by the time they reached the couch Kathy was already asleep. Carina was sleeping on the couch as well. So Maya just put Kathy down. She wimpered a little but after rubbing her back she settled again.

At night Kathy slept in her bed. She was feeling much better and Carina was still coughing a lot, so in order to not wake up, she decided to go back to her own room.

Carina was still feeling really bad. Her fever was at 100 with medication and she had shivers all the time. Maya was very diligent with the medication and rest and kisses and cuddles.

When Carina woke up that night she felt way worse. She was weezing and her chest hurt. She wanted to cough to get rid of the choking feeling, but it hurt and when she spit out the mucus it was dark. Carina switched the light on. Red. Blood.

"Maya. Maya. Please wake up." "What?" "Help. It hurts." Carina was still choking and weezing. "Shit. Baby. Its okay. Hold on." "H...elp" The fear in Carinas eyes made Maya run towards the the desk grabing the Pulsoxymeter and sticking it on Carinas finger, while she diled 911. "Hi. This is Captain Maya Deluca-Bishop from Station 19. I need an Aidcar to my adress stat. My wife is struggling to breathe she has Bronchitis and a history of GBS. She is coughing up blood and choking. Her oxygen is 84. Please hurry."

While they waited Maya rubbed Carinas back. Trying to keep her from paniking. "Hurts." She said again. "I know."Maya tryed to get her to drink some water, but what Carina really needed was oxygen, a chest x-ray and some painmeds.

Maya called Vic to come over to take care of Kathy for them. Kathy was sleeping the rest of her illness of and didn't notice any of the comotion.

"Finally." Maya opened the door for the paramedics. "She needs oxygen, some painmeds and a ride to the hospital." "Yes. We know, Captain." The placed a mask over Carinas face and opened the valve all the way. Maya squezzed Carinas hand twice. And Carina nodded. The squezzing of hands was there nonverbal signal. Once is i'm here. I am not leaving you, you are not alone. Twice. Are you okay? Three  times. I love you.

Vic came just as they were helping Carina in the Aid Car.

"Vic. Kathy is upstairs. She is asleep maybe take our bed, because if she needs something she will go there. Here are the keys i will text you." Maya yelled walking past her friend. "Got it. Go."

Carina lay on the stretcher, her breaths coming in shallow gasps, her chest tight with every inhale. Panic began to rise within her as she struggled to draw in air.

"Carina, i am here its okay." Maya voice cut through the haze of Carina's fear, her concerned eyes searching Carina's face for any sign of improvement.

Carina shook her head weakly, her lips trembling as she tried to speak. "No. Dont speak. We are almost at the hospital."
Both minds raced with thoughts of the worst-case scenarios. What if she couldn't catch her breath? What if this was something more serious than bronchitis? Fear gripped her chest like a vice, squeezing tighter with each labored breath. What is the GBS was back?

Carina could hardly hear Maya's reassurances over the roar of panic in her ears. Every breath felt like a battle, a struggle for survival against an invisible enemy. She clutched at Maya's hand, her grip tight with desperation.

The sound of sirens wailed. Maya prayed for the Ambulance to go faster. She couldn't bear to see Carina like this, so fragile and terrified.

As they sped through the streets towards the hospital, Carina's fear only intensified. The walls seemed to close in around her, the world outside the ambulance fading away as she struggled to focus on the rhythmic sound of the paramedics' voices.

"37 year old Female with Dyspnoe following Bronchitis. History of GBS." "page dr. Shepard. She is her doctor. Tell her its Carina Deluca-Bishop." Maya added
She stayed by Carina's side the entire time, her hand clasped tightly in Carina's as they navigated the chaos of the emergency room. Nurses and doctors rushed past them, their faces a blur of motion as they worked to stabilize Carina's condition.

Finally, they reached a treatment room, and Carina was transferred onto a hospital bed, her body trembling with exhaustion and fear. Maya hovered anxiously nearby, her eyes never leaving Carina's face as Amelia began her examination.

Hours seemed to pass in a blur as Carina underwent a battery of tests and treatments. She felt like a puppet on strings, her body moving at the whim of the medical staff as they worked to ease her breathing and alleviate her symptoms.

Through it all, Maya remained a constant presence at Carina's side, her touch a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty. She whispered words of encouragement, her voice a soothing balm against Carina's frayed nerves.

Finally, Amelia returned with the test results, her expression grave as she delivered the news. "It looks like your bronchitis has triggered a severe asthma attack, it caused the alveoles in your lungs to bleed." she explained, her tone gentle but firm. "We're going to keep you here for observation overnight, just to make sure we can get your breathing under control. The cortisol helped stop the bleeding." "Asthma?" Maya said. "Yes. We will see if this will be a reacurring problem, but with the GBS that is very likly." Carina was spent. But the medication administered by the nurse made her feel better.

Relief flooded through her at the Amelias words, the tight knot of fear in her chest loosening slightly. Asthma wasn't fun, but treatable. She glanced over at Maya, her eyes brimming with gratitude for her unwavering support.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice hoarse with emotion.

Maya squeezed Carina's hand three times, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Anytime, Carina,"

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