He quickly pushed the feeling aside, reminding himself that he was happy for his friend and had no reason to feel envious.

Before he could dwell on the thought any longer, Felix's voice broke through the air, pulling Wooyoung's attention back to the present moment. "Woo, can you help me set the table?" Felix called from the kitchen counter, where he was busy putting the finishing touches on their meal.

"Gladly. I'm fucking starving" Wooyoung replied, pushing aside his papers and rising from his seat. He moved to the cupboard, retrieving plates and utensils as he prepared to set the table for their meal.

The four of them quickly arranged their plates and seats before Felix started to hand out food like in a cafeteria.

As they began to eat, Jongho instantly started to gush over Lia's cooking, praising her skills and showering her with compliments.

Wooyoung couldn't help but roll his eyes at the display of affection, finding it all a bit too cheesy and romantic for his taste.

"Wow, Baby, this is amazing," Jongho exclaimed, taking another bite of the food on his plate. "You're such an incredible cook."

Felix shot Wooyoung a knowing look, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he caught his friend's eye. Wooyoung simply shook his head in disbelief, muttering under his breath about the absurdity of the situation.

"Yeah, you most definitely did a good job at watching, Lia", Wooyoung said, forcing a polite smile as he addressed Jongho's girlfriend. "But let's give credit where credit is due. Felix is the master chef here, not you."

Felix chuckled at Wooyoung's blunt comment, shooting him a playful glare before turning his attention back to his plate. Lia looked slightly taken aback by the remark, but quickly recovered with a gracious smile.

"Oh, of course," she replied, her tone polite but tinged with a hint of disappointment. "Thank you, Felix, for letting me help"

As the conversation shifted to other topics, Wooyoung's eyes were fixed on the new couple.

Why the fuck did he feel like a third wheel in his own kitchen?

It sucked to watch them feed each other like in those kdramas.

They seemed so happy and in love, completely absorbed in each other's company. It was a stark reminder of his own lackluster love life, and the one person who always seemed to occupy his thoughts: San.

Was he actually going to break up with Yuqi?

Despite his best efforts to push the thoughts aside, Wooyoung found himself dwelling on memories of their time together, the moments they had shared, and the undeniable chemistry that had sparked between them.

He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have someone like San by his side, someone who made him feel truly alive and understood.

An actual boyfriend.

"Yo Woo", Felix ripped him out of his thoughts, "Should we join?"

"Join? Join what?"

"Lia just said it"

"Well if I would have heard what Lia said, I wouldn't be fucking asking again. So please, may you repeat yourself, Lia?"


"I was just asking If you guys want to join Jongho and I tonight when we-"

"Yeah, I'd rather fucking not. Big pass from my side. Don't wanna know what you two will be doing tonight"

"Woo! Let her talk for fucks sake! What's wrong with you today?!", Felix interrupted his little rant, instantly causing Wooyoung to shut up.

Lia's tense posture relaxed a little as she awkwardly smiled at the interaction.

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