♡ Insecurity Is A Basic

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The sounds of students talking were filling the empty classroom. Usually, at this time of the day, people would start their studying session but since the teacher was absent, most students decided to do things such as gossiping, doing their homework, etc.

My actual plan is to scribble in my notebook but then I changed my plan because I forgot to put my notebook inside my bag this morning.

I have decided to finish my yesterday's homework which I ended up abandoning. I don't want to deal with Mrs. Ong's wrath. She is probably this school most scariest teacher ever. There's even a rumor saying that the headmaster listens to her but I am guessing it is just a lie. As soon as I opened the book, I felt like giving up. This is too boring. I sighed, lying my head down on the table, looking at people who walked past me. 

Since this morning, I haven't really seen Raim anywhere. I guess she had something to do. I shrug and continue on the blank stare, totally giving up on the homework that I don't even touch. 


What Eunhyuk said the other day suddenly lingers in my head. The moment just keeps on replaying in my head as if my brain wants me to never forget it. I let out the biggest sigh, clenching my hand under the table "I know that he didn't mean anything by saying that but why am I suddenly putting hopeless hope in those words?" I mumbled before I slumped my head on the table. 

"You shouldn't assume things, y/n" I reminded myself.

"I want to be with you. That's my choice" 

I kicked my imaginary blanket before realizing that I was still at the school. I sat up straight and scolded myself with a poker face. I looked around and let out a relief breath when I saw no one was around to witness my embarrassing moment. 

I hit my own forehead. Thinking about this, I wonder what Eunhyuk is doing. From what I remember, Su-ae is in the same class as him so I guess they must be hanging out right now, right? Other than her, I rarely saw or heard him talking about someone else. I guess he doesn't really like making friends that much. 

So then, is he an I? introvert? 

Wait, why am I thinking about him right now? I shake my head, standing up, heading to the bathroom. 

What am I doing? 

When I arrived there, I saw two girls guarding the bathroom. Aren't they one of Raim's friends? I come closer to see why when they block my way. 

"Sorry, y/n but you can't walk in right now" 

"Why? What's happening inside?" They smirked, looking at each other before answering. 

"Hwayun is teaching someone a lesson so you shouldn't disturb her," one of them said, still blocking the way.

Hwayun? Isn't she Raim's best friend?" I gulped.  

Then I heard a sob coming from inside so I pushed the two girls out of the way, bursting into the bathroom out of concern. There, I saw Hwayun lifting her hand to slap someone who was on the floor, crying. 

"Hwayun, stop it" I walked forward, approaching them. Hwayun let out an annoyed groan "What the hell, Y/n? why are you disturbing us?" 

"why are you doing this? She didn't do anything wrong to you right?"

Hwayun sighed, standing up "Just because you are Raim's friend" she mumbled but I ignored it before holding the poor girl's hand "Let's go" I whispered into her ears. We walked out of the bathroom together, walking past them. 

I brought the girl into the infirmary room which was empty at the moment so I sat her down and grabbed the necessities to treat her injuries if there were any. 

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now