♡ Bad Luck

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Normally during the weekend, many people would come over to the cafe and buy many things, so it's such a busy day for the workers.

I wiped the sweat that trailed down my neck with my sleeve before picking up the job. 

"Y/n" someone called me.

I turned around and saw Dohwa waving at me before gesturing to come to him. I walked over, curious as to why. 

"Someone threw stuff outside the cafe so the boss asked you to pick it up. I wish I could help but no one can take care of the cafe if I help you out so sorry" he said, apologetically. I chuckled, fist-bumping his shoulder "It's okay. I can do it by myself" I said before walking out of the cafe to do as I was tasked to. 

Unlike my expectation, it isn't that much so I can do it quickly and get back inside the cafe. 

The sound of the bell rang across the cafe signaling that there was a new customer. I turned to look at the customer and my eyes widened in shock seeing a familiar face. My hands started to sweat and tremble before I rushed to hide. Unfortunately, I was too late and realized it when he called me out.

"I didn't know you worked here," he said, with my back facing him. My heart starts beating so fast. Will he cause a scene here? I am scared of what might happen. I turned around and tried my best to look as confident as I could. 

"May I help you?" I asked, hands brought together and be as polite as possible. 

He looked at me before scoffing "Do you want to pretend as if you don't know me?" I gulped before rushing forward, grabbing his arm, and pulling him along with me. I don't mind if he wants to mock me or anything but not here.

I brought him to the back of the cafe and let his arm go. 

"I don't know what you want from me anymore, Minhyuk," I said, looking down as I was afraid to look at him in the eyes. 

"I don't have any relations with you anymore....s-so why?" I finally looked up to see him smirking down at me. His hand raised and his thumb hard pressed onto my chin. "You want to know why I am going to disturb you for life?" he asked, leaning down "You disgust me. I can't even imagine you living your life happily when you ruin mine. I can't forgive you for acting helpless so I would help you to have you develop feelings for me and ruin the perfect image of mine" his nails start to dig into my chin. 

"I won't stop until I see news about you on the news broadcast about you taking your own life in the most pathetic way ever. I won't stop as long as I see that ugly face of yours" Minhyuk lifted his hand and slapped me right then. 

"You thought you started going to a different school in high school, I would let you alone?" he lifted his hand again but I pushed him away as hard as I could and ran away. 

It's stinging.

It's not only my cheek that hurts but my heart too. It is aching. 

Did I have to deal with this forever? 

Then, I bumped into someone on my way going inside the cafe again. It was Dohwa who seemed concerned about me. 

"I was about to look for you. Where did you go?"  I avoided looking into his eyes as I could feel my emotions breaking apart. "I-i just throw garbage outside" I lied, still avoiding his eye contact. I was about to walk past him when he grabbed my shoulder, stopping me in place "Don't lie to me, Y/n. Look at me in the eyes and tell me what happened. Your cheek was red and there's a bruise too" I couldn't stop them anymore.

I pushed him as hard as I could and ran out of the cafe, tears starting to fall in my eyes. My knees almost went weak but I pushed forward.

Just when I realized it, I was already at the beach where Eunhyuk showed me. The place where it was supposed to be our secret. I plopped down on the sandy sand, breaking into sobs... I clenched my own hands to stop them from shaking even more. All kinds of thoughts went through my head and one of them was about what Minhyuk said. Is it better if I took my own life?

Will everything be better for everyone? 

I looked at the sea. Why does it seem so lonely? There are no people around. If this beach is a person, he must felt so sad. I remember how this place holds a short but memorable memory for me. I remember that I was here, laughing with Eunhyuk as if everything was fine. Will I break the promise I had with Eunhyuk? 

Why am I thinking about him when I was like this? Why did I easily fall in love with someone? Did I even deserve to love him? 

I don't want Eunhyuk to be like Minhyuk. 

I walked over to the water, dipping my feet in it. Should I?

Then, I heard someone shout my name. I turned around and saw someone come running after me. What is he doing here? Soon enough he was in front of me and I was developed in the embracement that was so tight that I felt so secure.

"Please......don't do this" Eunhyuk mumbled, holding me close. 

I couldn't help it anymore and I burst into tears. "Didn't I tell you to call me when you are hurting?" he pulled back slightly, eyes scanning my bruised cheek. His hand reached over and lightly traced my cheek with his thumb "Would you let me protect you? You promised to be my left ear and I promise to be your knight" he held my hands "I...." he stopped himself and hugged me instead. 

"We are supposed to be friends. There no friend that leaves their friend alone" 

"H-how did you find me?"

"Dohwa told me. I came to the cafe to hang out with you when he told me that you ran out of the cafe and told me to look for you since he can't leave the cafe unattended" I am relieved that Dohwa didn't do something stupid. Just like me, he needs the money.

I looked up at Eunhyuk, grinning with teary eyes "Why is it when I am hurting, you are always there? Isn't it boring? to comfort someone this much?" my eyes became teary again. "Thank you, Eunhyuk. It was more than necessary" I said, bowing at him and staying in place "This is a pathetic wish of mine but can you stay away? I don't want you to get bored of me and hate me. I had enough of it" this is for the better. 

I am fine if everyone in the universe hates me but not him.

Even if it's such a short time for us, he is already special enough to me. He showed me kindness that I never thought I deserved. He is always there for me but what can I even do? I can't do anything for him. 

"I am not Minhyuk," he said suddenly. I looked up to see him looking at me with determination. 

"I wouldn't be bored of you and grew to hate you over this. Not everyone like him, Y/n. There's going to be someone who honestly wants to be your friend and one of them is me" his words don't flattered. It sounds so honest to me that I waver again "You can push me how many times you want but I won't go away. I want to be here"

"That is my choice. To be with you"

-T B C-

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