♡ Your Left Ear

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I opened my eyes, looked around, and saw Eunhyuk who had his head down on the bed, next to my resting hand. 

His hair looked so fluffy so I reached out without thinking. My hand brushed through his hair, feeling the softness of his hair in my hand. I smiled, feeling that. Why is this so content to me? I feel my heart welling up just by doing this. I am happy~

A hand grabbed my hand.

My eyes opened in shock at that as my body froze. 

Eunhyuk lifted his head, looking at me before yawning "Did I sleep for a long time?" he asked, looking at the clock on the wall "I accidentally fell asleep so sorry okay?" his eyes met mine out of sudden making my heart thumping once again. I wouldn't feel this feeling if he didn't hold my hand so tenderly like this. It was so tender but secure at the same time. As if he doesn't want to let go of the hand he has been holding on. 

His other hand reached out to feel my forehead "It's not swelling right?" he asked, leaning closer, eyeing the forehead. 

Y/n! He is just checking your condition since he is so kind. Why would your heart beat so fast as if he is confessing to you?

"Eunhyuk, y-you hold my hand too long already" I try my best to joke about it, pulling my hand away which he let go at the end. The hand earlier that held mine went to his neck before he rubbed his neck out of embarrassment. 

"I-I am sorry. I don't notice it" he said quickly, standing up "It's already the end of school so do you want to go home together?" I looked at him before nodding, feeling grateful towards him. He picked up his bag on the ground before grabbing my bag too which is next to him "I already grabbed them earlier while waiting for you" he handed me the bag before waiting patiently for me to put on my shoes and bag. 

We walked together out of the school. No one was around the school already so it's peaceful. I like it. 

I can hear the birds chirping and the sound of cars passing us. 

"Are you the one who carried me to the infirmary?" 

He hummed "You fainted so I did. Why?" 

"Thank you~," I said feeling grateful towards him. 

"It's okay. Your forehead isn't hurting anymore right?" he asked so I shook my head answering his question.  

"Did we win?" 

"I don't think so since you did get hit by the ball"

I sighed, looking down "I'm sorry. I wanted to try my best to win for us but I made a mistake instead and got hit" He turned, looking at me "I don't care if we win or not. It's not like this is a competition or something and also I had fun. Isn't that the end goal?" His footsteps matched me so we walked next to each other.

Our hands occasionally touched but he doesn't seem to care so I keep quiet. 

"Did you have fun?" he asked, not long after that. 

"I had fun. I mean it, for real" Hearing my response made him laugh "You don't have to repeat it. Didn't I tell you that your expression shows almost everything" I chuckled too "I did do that a lot right?" he hummed, "just like a parrot" he teased me, still walking next to me.

The time around us seems to slow down. I can only hear him. His chuckles and his footsteps. As we were walking next to each other, I noticed he had been wearing his earphones. How can he hear what I am saying? He did take out one of them but isn't it uncomfortable?

"You have been wearing earphones?" he touched the left ear. "Ah, I didn't notice it" he mumbled, taking out that earphone and putting them inside his vast pocket. 

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now