♡ Brighter Than The Star

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My eyes opened up and the bright sunlight immediately greeted me. Just then, I realized that I had been leaning on something. I looked to my side and saw it was Eunhyuk. He also has fallen asleep with his head hanging awkwardly. 

His neck must be hurting. 

Seeing his sleeping state makes my heart thump yet again. The light shining his face, highlighting his good features. 

Why did he......treat me so kindly?

"you know why I did that? To trick you. There's no way someone even likes you. You grossed me out"

I stand up, taking a deep breath. That's right. Eunhyuk probably just felt sorry for me. He might even find me pathetic just like Minhyuk did. 

I went back to the cafe to retrieve a neck pillow that one of my senior coworkers had purchased for us to use. I then returned outside to place the pillow around Eunhyuk's neck. I took my time and did it slowly and gently as I didn't want to wake him up. Once I was done, I went back inside to finish my shift.


I closed the door behind me. Everything has come down to me. The fatigue from earlier rushed down and made me stagger. Haru and Han have already gone to bed, right? I should checked on them. 

The sound from the TV caught my attention, so I walked over. There, I found my mother lying on the couch, slumped over with beer cans around her. All of the cans were empty. I walked over and picked up each of the cans to throw it away. 

I cleaned up the table, wiping each corner of it and that's when I saw a photo frame in my mother's hand. I grabbed it gently from her and my father's bright smile flashed in my eyes. There is it. The smile that I missed greatly. My heart was tugged seeing it.

The hero of my life.

I sat down, leaning against the couch.

Mum must be missing him so much right? That's why she did all of this. 

"Y/n, I believe that you are the star in your own story. Just like you are the star in mine"

Tears seep through my eyes when I remember what my dad always told me. The only person who wants me to be a star in their life story. I hugged my knees, sobbing.

I miss him.



Eunhyuk closed the door behind him and he was immediately greeted by the sounds of fighting. He let out a sigh but he walked over since he had to. 

 His parents once again fought. They probably fought over something ridiculous so Eunhyuk wanted to escape it. He walked past them and went upstairs where his room was. Eunhyuk put down his bag and took out his earphones. He put on one of the earbuds before lying on his bed without even changing out of his uniform. The music is covering the shouting from downstairs so Eunhyuk can relax inside his comfort zone. 

Even so, he still can hear the muffled noise from downstairs, from his left ear. The ear without the earbud.

He let out a sigh, closing his eyes. 

".........y/n.......", he muttered,

'Did she think she was that good at hiding emotions? I wonder why her expression is shown through everything

He sighed again, covering his face with his arm. 

'Why did she even keep saying she was okay? Why did she work at that cafe? Did she need money?'

Eunhyuk turned around, grabbed any pillow nearby, and covered his face with it.

'....why did she even suddenly lean on me like that earlier? Did she always let her guard down like that?'


'....why did I even think about her now?'

Somehow, the anxiety and fatigue he got earlier just washed away when he thought of her. 




I turned around and saw my little brothers running around, happily. 

"Take a seat please" I scolded them, continuing cooking for their breakfast. I beat up some eggs and made French toast for them. Then, I put it on the plate and give it to them. Afterward, I clean up to head to the school.

When I came out of my room, I bumped into my mother. She yawned, tiredly so I got worried. 

"Mum, I already have breakfast so please have them" she hummed, walking past me without saying a word.

"I need money," she said suddenly. I looked up and saw her a few feet away from me. I take out my wallet and take out a few bills "It's not my salary month yet so I got this o-" she yanked it out of my hand quickly "Shut up and get lost" she said, leaving me as soon as possible. 

I went back downstairs before saying goodbye to my brothers and headed out.

I walked into the school, walking past people in the school. They were all laughing while chatting with their group of friends. I always wonder what it felt like. 

I walked into my class and immediately, I was showered with cold water. A bucket plopped down on me, making my uniform wet thoroughly. Then, I heard gasps around. When I looked up, Raim approached me with a worried look on her face. 

"y/n!!!!! I am so sorry!" she grabbed my hand "I thought to do this prank at Jihoon but you walked in instead so I couldn't stop it," she said apologetically, 

"It's okay...." I smiled, brushing my uniform. 

"I wish I had a change of uniform to give you but we are not in the same size. Is there anyone who could give y/n's a change of uniform?" she asked and they answered with 'no' almost immediately. "I'm so sorry, y/n. We bought you ice cream as an apology, okay?" 

I hummed, turned around, and left the classroom.

I could hear them laughing as soon as I left the class. I clenched my fist, walking to the bathroom.


"I hear the students in class 2 are trying to pull a prank," someone said, chatting with his group of friends. 

Eunhyuk who had staring out the window earlier, turned to them since they caught his attention. Eunhyuk takes out his earbud on the right ear to hear clearly.

"Who did they pull the prank?" One of the boys asked and the one who opened the story answered "That's one girl. I don't quite remember her name but I think it is y/n?" he said, unsure about it. 

Eunhyuk stood up and rushed out of the class.

When he arrived at class 2, he could only trace water around the entrance. So he rushed again to the bathroom, where he suspected she must be there. 

He hesitated to enter since its a girl's bathroom. but Eunhyuk got anxious. 

Then, he could hear her.

It was sniffling. 

Without thinking, he rushed inside, ignoring the fact that it was a girl's bathroom. 

-T B C-

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now