"I'm six." She responds, exasperated. 

"Six year old's can't read?" I respond in a similar tone, rolling my eyes. 

"Papa Nic, Darius is still naked." She whines, holding her hand over the small boy's face who whimpers in complaint. 

"Well then stop looking at him, Silvia." The response comes off shorter than I mean to, I opt to just step on the towel to absorb any fluid as Xavier struggles to climb for the couch. "Oh shoot, Xavier is still wet." Snatching up the baby, I groan at just how damp he was. I'd have to change him entirely, the one-year-old giggles and reaches for my face with a flurry of excited sounds. 

It would warm my heart if Silvia wasn't at my hip. "Papa Nic. I am a girl. Darius is a boy."

"Thanks for the anatomy lesson, Sil." I sigh, taking Darius's hand and dragging him along with Xavier into their room. As quickly as I can manage, I put underwear on Darius and opt to decide that he would be fine without pants in favor of expedience. 

What I hadn't anticipated was the wrestling match it took to cram Xavier into a fresh diaper and a new onesie. The little boy was shockingly strong and noncompliant, between shrieking with one of his only words, No, and kicking, I hardly managed without tearing the onesie in favor of not hurting his tiny arms. "Xavier, please, honey. Just be still." I beg, tickling the little boy and encouraging a flurry of giggles. 

"That's better. So sweet." I melt all over again, picking up the boy and cradling him. Turning around, I note that Darius is gone, making my way back into the living space to see Silvia spraying Darius's legs with the carpet cleaner. "Why?!" I demand, rushing over to take it back from her in a flurry of rage and disbelief. 

"I don't know." She shrugs, grabbing the soiled towel to hurriedly wipe the boy's legs. 

"Silvia that towel is disgusting!" I jerk it out of her hands, causing the little girl to sniffle. 

The heavy lower lip pokes out, and she wipes at her eyes as she crosses her little arms. The pretty princess dress frills around her and she tilts her head away, causing the heavy curls to bounce and sway. "You hurt my feelings, Papa Nic."

"Mean." Darius frowns at me, while Xavier reaches with the towel with a shriek of protest that I wasn't handing it over fast enough. 

"Silvia, I need you to work with me please, you can't just spray chemicals on Darius and Darius, don't just stand there and let her spray you!" I quickly move to throw the towel in the hamper, grabbing another for the spot and a second for Darius's legs while I contemplate if I needed to bathe him or if this was something I could wipe off. 

Still holding Xavier, the boy screams once more, demanding a different position and I sigh as I opt to put him down on the rug and replace the carpet towel. Upon glancing up, I spy Silvia and Darius standing on the couch, tossing the remote back and forth. "Darius, let me wipe your legs."

"Run Darius!" Silvia giggles, leaping off the couch to run away as Darius squeals in delight, leaping after her in a dead run. 

"Run! Run!" He shouts, I'd be amused with his gait if I wasn't so angry at the obstinance. Why did I want this? Why did I decide I wanted children? 

Looking at Xavier, the little boy tugs at the newly soiled towel, and I quickly pick him back up. "Alright. No more living area.. let's move to hardwood."

Making my way into the kitchen with Xavier on my hip, I spy Legardo grinning and resist the urge to inflict violence on him. The man was already knee-deep in meal prep, it was impressive just how many things he was working on putting together. 

Ascension - Book Eight - Man x ManWhere stories live. Discover now