Anna gripped Cupid's reigns a little tighter. "I'll race you," she said as she worked as she shot off on Cupid. Brent could hear her laughing as he realized she'd cheated. With a quick yank on his reigns he got Mav up to a gallop. Cupid was fast, but Mav was just a faster and it took him no time to catch up with Anna.

              "Nice try Anna Banana," He smirked over at her while they galloped. "I'll see you back at the ranch." With that he made Maverick go a little faster, but he still kept Anna about five yards behind him the whole way back to the ranch.


              "I can't believe you beat me," Anna said as she dismounted Cupid in front of the barn.

              "What else was I supposed to do, you cheated?"

              With Cupid's reign in her had she playfully smacked him on the shoulder with her hand that was free. "Of course I had to cheat, or else I never would have gotten in front of you."

              "Well, that is definitely true." Brent looked at her with a sly grin on his face.

              "Ouch, that was mean," she elbowed him in the ribs and he broke into a fit of laughter coming from deep within his belly. She loved the way he laughed; it was quite sexy if you asked her.

              "Okay let's get Cupid and Mav inside before I elbow you again for laughing at me." Anna grabbed Mav's reigns as well as she walked into the barn leaving Brent to control his laughter on his own.

              Anna put Mav in his stall first, and then she took Cupid to his own. She didn't worry about rubbing Mav down because she knew Brent would do it once he was done laughing at her.

              Cupid happily ate his apple after he'd been rubbed down. Anna was waiting at Mav's stall, finished with rubbing Cupid down when Brent came in to get Mav situated.

              "Did you have a nice laugh?" She asked him.

              "I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty nice. I haven't laughed like that in a long time."

              "Well, I'm glad I could make your life a little better." Her arms were crossed over her chest as she smile at him.

              "Oh, you've made it way better in the past month," he smiled at her and grabbed her by the waist.

              Anna couldn't help the blush that spread over her cheeks from his words, and his touch. "I'm glad you think so." She smiled coyly up at him. "Now why don't you kiss me?"

              "I thought you'd never ask."

              With a smile on his lips Brent bent his head down to kiss Anna good and proper. Brent had never felt anything as right as kissing Anna. That though scared him just a little on the inside. He wasn't ready to commit, or settle down. He needed more time to wrap his head around everything.

             When they broke apart their eyes were a little glazed over with the passion from the kiss they'd shared. Their lips were swollen from the kiss as well. Anna brought a hand to her lips and smiled shyly at Brent.

              Brent cleared his throat. "I think that we should probably rub Mav down, he doesn't look like he's too happy with me right now."

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