Sugar For My Sugar

Start from the beginning

~~~~~~~~~~Sang's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

          Leaving the courtyard with Luke my hands begin to shake. Come on Sang! You can do this! You practiced a billion times, never on a real living person but you've got this! You have to do this.

"So how was your morning?" Oh way to go, as if he wasn't with me this morning for crying out loud.

"Well let's see I woke up with you so that's a good start. Breakfast was delicious by the way. The sandwiches you made were awesome. Thanks."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I reply as it begin to be a little crowded in the halls pressing us closer together.

          Now's my chance. I reach into my bag and retrieve the wallet shaped package that I made. As he continues to lead us down the hall we talk about the diner and Uncle. I'll admit I'm only half listening as I wait for just the right moment.

          That's when it happens. A girl I don't recognize comes running and acts right into him. This is it! As he steadies her and asks if she is okay, I slip my hand with the package into the back pocket of his slacks and remove his wallet. Yes! I made the switch! I know he would have felt it so I take my chance to slip away to home room. There is more to be done.

~~~~~~~~~~Luke's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

          I ask the girl if she is okay and when she nods I feel a sudden dip and tug on the back of my pants. What the hell?

          Turning to try and catch the rookie their I see that Sang isn't there. Holy shit! No no no no no no no! The guys are going to shred me to bits! I spring into action looking around like a mad man. Then it hits me, maybe she went ahead thinking that I was still right behind her? Running to home room I slam the door open and look around.

          There is no teacher yet, and then I see here. She is sitting on her desk with her head down and her hands in her lap. What is it with her and always hanging her head? Deja by man! Walking up to her I see my wallet and a note on my desk. No it couldn't be. Could it?

          Reaching into my back pocket I pull out a wallet shaped paper and I chuckle. Walking to my seat I read the note. It said:

Dear Always,

               I did all of this to show you just how much it meant to merge day you stayed with me. You showed me that you're not only playful and sneaky. You also have a kind heart that is as sweet as the candy that you have to hide to eat.

                                                                             for all that you do,

                                                                                                 Your Forever

P.S.: sorry about the trick. Here is your wallet back! XP

"Forever, I told you that you don't need to thank me. And don't apologize that was awesome! I didn't know you knew how to do that. Could still use some touch ups but still awesome!" I smooth her hair from her face and tilt her head up.

"There's more. The package  is a gift that I hope you'll like. Please accept it." She says looking absolutely nerve wracked.

"Of course Hun!" I say as I tear it open and gasp.

          Inside lies a chocolate rolling pin molded from milk chocolate with the handles made with a separate white chocolate. The dyed the white my favorite shade of baby blue. The milk chocolate roller was dusted with bits of the blue chocolate ground to a fine powder giving it a sprinkle effect.

"Luke I wanted to give you this today because I wanted to tell you ......I love you my Always." She said it so fast I just barely catch it.

          With a gigantic grin on my face I'm just pulling her to me to kiss her senseless when the bell rings. Ugh! First the damn no gift rule and now interrupted by the bell! Seriously?

          As if on cue everyone files into the room and our home room teacher starts roll call. When it's finished and everyone is accounted for a note comes sailing over my right shoulder. Noticing that it's from Sang I open it. 


          Sugar for my sugar! Enjoy!

                                                                - Sang

          Chuckling deeply I chomp down on my chocolate. I can tell right away that she made this herself and it's absolutely yummy! The bell rings and I wait as she passes my seat before I reaches subtly and pinch her luscious little ass gently and run for the door.

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