Five Course Meal

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Sonic had suddenly abandoned all effort of trying to keep Shadow at bay, and smiled openly at him as he ushered the black hedgehog into an elongated room, located just behind the main kitchen. Shadow marvelled at the display in front of him, admiring both the room and the current set up that was on show. He knew of the existence of this room- it was usually used as an area to host ball dancing, but was barely ever used as such. The blue drapes that hung from each giant paned window had been pulled open, allowing light from both sides to flood in. Soft pastel sunlight landed on a long table in the centre of the room, an entourage of starters, main courses and puddings all lined in neat rows littered the white laced table. Three golden candelabras made the appropriate break for each section of food, whilst servants stood, arms folded, holding napkins to the side of them.

"Behold! Sonic's buffet!" Peach arms spread wide, spinning on his heel forcing his cape to whip round, following him in a flourish. Sonic held out his hand and pulled Shadow further into the depths of the long room.

"Sonic, what is this?" Shadow's voice was on edge, eyeing up the servants stood at the doors, not trusting the pair.

Flapping a gloved hand, Sonic spoke again. "Pfft- nah it's not all for us, don't ya worry~ Some of this will be for my wedding, and some of it won't be! But you and I are gonna be the decision makers on that one!" Noticing Shadow's awkwardness with the two servants in the room, Sonic quickly dismissed them with a polite 'thank you', only beginning speaking once the large wooden beamed door had creaked shut and the two had left. "Now; I know this is a bit weird, but hear me out. I needed someone to do this with who- number one, isn't incredibly busy and number two- only likes grapes. Also I need someone to do this with, or else I will die of boredom. So entertain me, will ya?~" Sonic chuckled at himself. He had asked the kitchen staff to prepare this large feast for him late last night, causing Olive the chef to curse the blue hedgehog's name, but was at least thankful he had far more assistance in the kitchen due to Shadow's rearrangement of staff.

"Where's Sally." Shadow spoke bluntly, feeling like Sonic had namelessly mentioned Knuckles and Tails out of pure distraction, and Sonic was going to choose him all along anyway.

"She's choosing flowers today, Amy's back and I think she was planning to go with her! Which will be nice, they haven't spent much time together really..." 

"And she's fine with me doing this with you is she?"

Sonic felt his forehead begin to sweat lightly as he felt Shadow pick him apart. "Hey... are you hungry or not?" 

Sucking in a large breath of air, Shadow exhaled sharply before speaking. "Fine. But I'm going to need some whisky if I have to tolerate this with the likes of you." 


Something had happened. Sonic wasn't sure when it happened- but it had definitely happened. Maybe it was the pairs newfound tipsiness, but the room felt lighter, more airy as the time had drawn on. The pair had tasted an obscene amount of food between them, Shadow being the decision maker as to what was going to make the final cut. Once they both realised that food simply tasted like ... food to Sonic, they both decided the darker Hedgehog would be a better fit for the job.

Shimmied to the bottom of the table were three starters, three mains and puddings. They consisted of; classic French onion soup,
brown sugar cured trout on toast and a giant king prawn cocktail for the starters. Saffron risotto and two other meats dishes for the mains.

The puddings however, were clearly resembling where both Sonic and Shadow had a bit too much to drink and had become a giggling mess over time. Even the usually stoic striped hedgehog was tipping his old fashioned glass around, rubbing whipped cream into the  table cloth that had managed to get on his glove.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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