A Bat's Life

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Shadow snarled at the flipped sheets of paper that were connected to the clipboard in his hand. Leaving the prison had been a chore in itself, everywhere he turned there was an angry guard leering at him asking where he was going, leaving Shadow with no choice but to repeat himself for the fifty millionth time.

Adding to his annoyance was the fact that Scourge was withholding his information from Shadow until he did indeed spend the night with the green bastard. Shadow wasn't concerned however. He had a percentage of his Chaos ability back, he knew he could at least plough a glowing rocket boot into a certain scum bags face if anything were to happen.

Clearing his throat as he continued walking down the narrow passageway that eventually lead to the windy cobbled stairs where his temporary studio lay, the hybrid noticed he also wasn't happy with the curt rudeness Sonic bestowed upon him earlier. Caring about the way Sonic spoke to him?... How bothersome. He didn't like the thought of Sonic affecting him in that way- nor anyone for that matter- he was the one supposed to be making Sonic feel like this! Not the other way around!

This was a game Shadow was willing to stick out till the bitter end- and he was going to reap his reward.


Shadow's anger was completely unbeknownst to Sonic, who was currently smiling broadly, chatting loudly with Tails and Knuckles, walking hand in hand with Sally next to him. They hadn't really spoken properly for the entire day, other than a quick hello and chaste kiss before they set off on their day together.

Sonic didn't really think there was much to talk about in terms of what had happened. He was late home due to spending so much time racing Shadow without realising, and so today he was making up for that! No need to talk. Besides- Tails and Knuckles were doing the talking for them!

"So Sally, What were you up to before Sonic summoned you back into his life??" Knuckles chuckled, attempting banter with the brown squirrel, nudging her elbow gently.

"Yeah, I suppose I was 'summoned' back into his life as you so nicely put it-"

Sonic grimaced blatantly.

"-Well I was enjoying my life in Knothole. It was nice to spend time with my family properly instead of always being on the run... Since Eggman passed, life has been quiet. Especially after Scourge finally ended up in prison. I was spending time with a few guys that piqued my interest, being a well known hero does have its perks ya know?" Sally puffed her chest up slightly in pride and glanced at Knuckles.

Sonic's expression soured further. Yeah, great, a nice reminder that the blue hedgehog had indeed pulled Sally away from where she was happiest, to a place where she was almost fighting for attention. Ugh- maybe they did need to talk about it after all.

Knuckles, oblivious to his friends discomfort chuckled loudly at Sally's comment. "I think we can all agree it has its perks..." A smile slid onto the guardians face causing Tails to groan.

"Please don't bring up Rouge again... You've been talking about her all day!" The young kitsune chortled, nudging Knuckles lightly.

"I have not!!" The echidnas muzzle matched the colour of his fur instantly.

"Oh please- how many more times do I have to hear about how good her flying technique is- or how clever and witty she is?!" Tails shot back, however he was only half joking. It was good to see the echidna no longer brooding over the guardian emerald. He was still protecting the master emerald, but he had been consistently in the castle recently, which was definitely improving his somewhat cranky mood.

"Remind me again- why did you have to fall for the one person that helped Shadow escape jail permanently?" Sonic spoke, interjecting the two's bickering.

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