A Deal With A Devil

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After piling his papers into a neat stack, Shadow followed the blue king out of the door, eyeing the cape that Sonic wore on his shoulders as he did so. He couldn't help but narrow his eyes at the thick red silk that framed his counterparts lithe body.

Shadow scowled at the distant memory of himself wearing that cape. In his mind's eye, it should still be him wearing that- not this stupid blue collar. 

Although Shadow did find himself complaining less about his situation, he enjoyed his newfound work, enjoyed being tucked away in a cosy study to work in solace. He also noticed that he was enjoying Sonic's company far more than what he felt he should be.  ... Good Chaos, he'd better not be getting used to this.

 He wasn't too sure on his own feelings and opinions to Sonic- he had no one to go to for support or advice on how he was feeling, so Shadow was pretty in the dark as to what he was supposed to do. He knew he loved Sonic's attention. He had even started to crave it to a degree, and that was worrying to say the least. His stomach also hurt and felt sore everytime Sonic told Shadow he was spending the day with Sally, and Sonic's full attention wasn't on him. 

His body had swam with pure beaming pride when he had seen Sonic was once again checking him out earlier. He had purposely put on a little show for the blue hedgehog and practically drank in the unspoken compliments, it excited Shadow to know Sonic found him attractive. The dark hedgehog also couldn't help but notice that it was completely different to the way prisoners had looked at him down in the dungeons. He didn't feel dirty or uncomfortable when Sonic (not very subtly) eyed him up and down. in fact he wanted Sonic to keep staring. Shadow also hadn't failed to notice that he himself had been checking out the blue hedgehog more so these days, he desperately wanted to get a good look at Sonic's rear, but a stupid red cape had always seemed to be in the way.

"I don't think you'll be needing that, hedgehog." Shadow pinched a red draped shoulder, causing Sonic to jump momentarily until he realised what the dark immortal was hinting at.

"Hmmh? -Oh yeah, I guess you're right, I'll definitely lose it otherwise." Sonic unclipped the golden clasp and handed the regal sheet to a passing servant who happily nodded, running off with it to rest in the King's room.

Shadow smirked, falling behind slightly, taking in the image of Sonic's backside as subtly as he could just before they made their way to the castles exit.


"So they work???" Sonic spoke eagerly, staring at Shadow's skates. To be brutally honest he had been looking forward to this day for a while. Sonic had taken them both into the surrounding forest, racing each other through the clear hillside to reach this spot, very close to where the blue hedgehog had slept that one fateful night to gather his thoughts. 

"Yes they work you dolt, now stop staring at them." Shadow's jab was rather light hearted for him he must admit, his mood was completely lifted now he had been allowed to gain some of his previous self back. His entire body felt like liquid gold, everything suddenly looked a hell of a lot clearer, his eyes sharper and ears far more alert. Lifting his foot above the ground, hovering about three inches above the grass, Shadow ignited his boot. Emptying as much chaos energy as the collar allowed, Shadow smirked. Working perfectly. 

"Great! ready to rock n' roll Shads?!" Sonic had already crouched low to the ground, gearing up for his launch, grinning at the darker hog.

Shadow rolled his eyes, but nodded in confirmation, also preparing himself by leaning all his weight back on one leg, arms parallel with his chest, one hand in front one hand behind. The pair didn't need a countdown. They'd done this enough times.


Sonic had to admit he hadn't quite been this ready for such high amounts of energy from Shadow. They had been racing for miles now, and the dark hedgehog hadn't shown any hints of tiring. Sonic on the other hand was beginning to falter slightly, his age showing through in his ability to keep up after two hours straight of running. The blue blur had asked Shadow if he was ready to go home, which Shadow instantly declined. Sonic couldn't blame him, he had kept the dark hedgehog bounded for nearly a year now. He'd captured Shadow in the middle of winter- it was nearing the end of summer now! Sonic also enjoyed seeing the dark male behave so furiously eager, almost hyperactive in his racing contingency, it made him happy to see. So he didn't mind being a bit tired if it meant Shadow could have his fun. .....

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