An Engagement

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Dark spines trembled violently in anger and disgust. The Rhino (Shadow never bothered to remember his name, despite Sonic telling him it last time they were together in the dungeon) tugged him from Scourge's cell, and promptly threw him from the prison with a grunt. Shadow couldn't ignore the amused smirk on the rough muzzle, understanding with a sudden cold pang that he had had an audience watching the entire time.

The walk back to his office had been hard. Try as he might, he couldn't shake the red from his muzzle and cheeks, arms folded over his chest in more of a protective stance than the normal domineering gesture it usually resembled on his body. He stuck close to the wall, ignoring anyone who passed him. His heart ached and longed for his chaos abilities, what he wouldn't give to simply teleport and arrive swiftly in his comfy offi-- no. No- if Shadow could teleport he would leave this kingdom. He wouldn't stay?! ...Would he?

Cringing inwardly he carried on. He didn't care to skate currently, he felt too gross to even move his legs apart.


Sonic was over the moon with the events of today, unbeknownst to him completely juxtaposing with Shadow's day.

 Sally had said yes! He couldn't truly believe his ears, especially considering their ups and downs recently. She did mention how they'd only been dating a few months and it was way too soon for her liking- but she said yes!! Besides- they were only engaged currently, they didn't have to get married immediately... just start planning... and see how things go!

Tails and Knuckles meanwhile had been completely stunned. Both of them couldn't wrap their heads around what was going on, and couldn't hide their concern.


"Sonic- maybe you should think about this a bit more-" Tails hastily spoke once everyone had found  their breath again. 

"Yeah... This is.. Uh..." Knuckles scratched his head awkwardly, having no idea what in Chaos's name to even say.

"Yes!!" Sally shouted- a bit too eagerly for the groups liking. Apart from Rouge who jeered in delight, still believing this moment had been meticulously planned and not sourced from an idea that popped into Sonic's head literally this morning. 

Rouge jumped from the ground, flapping her wings in delight causing her glasses to fall from the perch they had been sitting on her brow. "Oh this is spectacular; what kind of wedding is it gonna be?! What colours, what flowers?!" Rouge bombarded the excited squirrel with questions, clasping her mouth over her hands once Sonic stood up and laced his arms around Sally's waist, holding her tight. The beautiful shiny ring glinting on hazel fingers as the sun hit it, Shining down on the royal gardens, sharing the delight in this moment.

Sally's response had surprised Knuckles and Tails, both of them giving supportive grins and cheers in support of their friend. Both in mutual understanding that this was all they could do. 

"We need to speak to Amy" Knuckles muttered under his breath, still clapping and cheering loudly.

"Yup." Tails nodded swiftly.


Blissfully unaware of his friends shared wariness during his moment of elation, he found himself with a skip in his stride as he made his way up a very familiar flight of stairs, wishing to share the great news with his new 'financial assistant', whilst clutching a piece of crumpled paper.

His hand found the doorknob and was about to turn until his ears picked up a loud violent retching noise coming from the other side of the heavy oak door. Pushing the door ajar warily, Sonic stuck his head in first, looking for his darker counterpart. "Shads?... you okay?"

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