The Dungeons Secret

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To say Shadow was becoming stir crazy was an understatement. He was so bored. Good Chaos how he was bored. Within two weeks Shadow had managed to read nearly every book in the castle, the Rhino who guarded him previously, his job was now to deliver Shadow his food, and to bring him as much entertainment within reason. Shadow's room had been tailored specifically to his liking and funnily enough; all the furniture he had in his old bed chambers when he was King, had ended up with him down in the dark depths of the dungeons. He had a very basic en-suite, with bare walls and floors, and one tiny barred window just above head level in the centre of the room. Other than that, natural lighting was non-existent. Just candlelight to bring a bit of comfort and keep the darkness away. Not that Shadow minded the darkness. It kept him safe from the view of the other criminals that faced his prison bars. They seemed relentless with their grotesque remarks about his physique, and the dark hedgehog had quickly learned that ignoring them was the best thing to do. Saying anything only seemed to indulge the gross Mobians, and they'd use his words against him one way or the other. It had caused Shadow to become quite nocturnal. Only waking up to eat and bathe once they had finally fallen asleep. Shadow was uncomfortably aware of his own attractiveness and the effect he seemed to have on people. He didn't acknowledge it directly, but he knew. He saw the way people eyed him up in public. It was another reason to add to the extensive list as to why Shadow was so damn aloof with people. He hated attention of the physical kind. The dark hedgehog promised himself that as soon as he got out of here, they would all face his wrath.

But for now- Shadow had no wrath. And he was becoming pretty damn miserable. If Sonic's real punishment was to make Shadow go crazy then he was doing a decent job of it. Shadow had been calling for the blue hedgehog nearly every day for the first week, demanding him to come down and face him, but his requests dwindled away as Sonic never showed face, nor any sign that he was even going to bother visiting at all. And Shadow found himself feeling surprisingly alone at that knowledge. He knew his volatile actions towards Sonic had been unjustified. especially when he found out Sonic was also unaware that his shoes wouldn't work, soon after he had been escorted to the dungeon. Shadow had also slowly gotten used to Sonic's company almost, and being away from him had almost made him want his presence back.


"Hey! Tall dark and handsome~~ Show yourself~ Finally been sent down here to rot aswell??? Sonic's little pet eh?!" A far too familiar voice called out from the bars facing his, making shadow jump. Sonic's voice-- but nasally and venomous. "Look at you~~ in a hamster cage all alone and vulnerable without your precious king" A green hedgehog stepped into the light, hands on his own set of bars he had been bestowed.

Scourge. Of all people--- fucking Scourge had been positioned opposite. He had asked the guards to swap the prisoners- that had spent all day fantasizing about jumping Shadow's bones- only to now end up with Scourge who also apparently wanted a slice of the dark furred hedgehog. Shadow's eyes flicked over to the Rhino who was currently leaning with his back against Shadow's cell. He swore he saw the grey mammal's mouth twitch into a tiny smirk, before disappearing almost as instantly as it arrived. It would come as no surprise to Shadow when he later on found out this was the rhino's plan all along.

Shadow's ears flattened against his skull. "Tell me precisely what you think you're going to get by mocking me." Shadow said flatly.

"Hmmm~~ I don't know; Maybe a piece of that ass that Sonic has been hogging for an entire month" Scourge gestured to Shadow's body, his tongue flicking across his lips.

Shadow blinked. And subconsciously sat on his mattress so the green hedgehog would stop blatantly trying to look at his backside. "I know you're probably a closeted virgin, but you don't need to announce it to me. Now Leave me alone." Shadow attempted to pick up an abandoned book that was resting upside down on his bedside table, and simply ignore the gross hedgehog opposite.

"HA! Don't make me laugh; Stripes. The things I'd do to you if I was in Sonic's position. Of course I'm sure Sonic would bore you, he would be far too lame in bed for someone like you. You need someone to own you, to claim your tight littl-"

Scourge didn't get round to finishing his sentence however, as Shadow immediately shot up and had fired his book through the rungs of his cell, directly into Scourge's face.


"You dough- if doo dust dightened up a bit, doo might have made more driends." Scourge had his head leaned back, causing his voice to sound congested. Blood dripped from his pointed nose, his fingers pinching the bridge, trying to cease the bleeding, but to no apparent avail.

Red eyes rolled in frustration, growling as he stared at the candle hung against the wall, watching the flame flicker and dance in the dark, trying his hardest to ignore the apple green hog opposite him. The thick hardback had now been confiscated, which Shadow didn't particularly mind as it was now coated in a shiny layer of Scourge's nose blood. It had done it's job in shadow's eye.

"C'moonnnnnn Dripes- doo can't ignore beee." Scourge's pink tongue flicked across his muzzle, licking the blood that had now dripped further down his face.

"At least take your fucking hand off your nose so I can hear what you're saying -you dimwhit." Shadow's irritancy noticeable in his voice, annoyed by the congested whining opposite him.

"...Fine. But it's your fault if I flick blood at you." Another grin as Scourge gave an example by smearing his hand with red, and purposely flicking it farther than it needed to go, the droplets panging against the floor and bars of Shadow's temporary abode.

Noticing no response from Shadow, Scourge carried on. "I'm not wrong though~ am I? Sonic's up there, dreaming about you. What's your ass doing down here?" The cogs in the green hedgehog's brain were turning, knowing how clueless Shadow could be when it came to people's interests in one another, and knew this would become a fun game to play. Scourge had been on his own with no interesting company for far too long. The only people that Sonic sent into the dungeon were delinquents that could barely annunciate. So to have Shadow here was at least passable. Even though he hated both hedgehog's for keeping him down here, mocking and annoying them when possible with his existence was entertaining.

"I punched him in the face fourteen times. That was enough for him to finally put me back down here." A gloved hand fiddled with a golden inhibitor awkwardly. Giving into the mundane conversation finally, figuring he had nothing better to currently do.

A little shocked that he had gotten a response this time that wasn't just an insult, Scourge continued; "C'mon Stripes, that blue idiot can't keep away from you. Look at your cell- fully furnished, with a working toilet!" Scourge pointed to his own steel bucket raising an eye.

"How many times are you going to call me that- and yes. I am a previous king after all."

"So am I. Stripes." Scourge shot back, getting more annoyed by the blatant ignorance in Shadow's demeanour towards the situation. Noticing the dark hedgehog huff and eye roll once more, Scourge proceeded in his torment. "Look at you, cladded in luxury. Kept warm with covers. He's protecting you. He's done this the whole time you've been back in this castle. I've barely been given a bed you spoilt bastard- and why-? Because my names not Shadow The Hedgehog. You could do whatever the hell you want, and he'll always protect you."

Shadow tutted this time, causing Scourge to grab his bars in rage and seethe at the sight. "I weaselled my way back into this castle, Sonic didn't want me back, nor did Sonic know about his own damn rules. I'm here, because this was the only way. It had nothing to do with Sonic."

Blood had started to seep from Scourge's most likely broken nose, but this time he ignored it. The words that he spoke caused Shadow's blood to run cold. "Sonic knew about the law. He rewrote it back into existence. He played you like a puppet and you lapped it up like the good little boy you are. People talk, and people know things; Shadow The Hedgehog. Everyone knows." 


Short but sweet- for better effect :P

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