Mural, Mural On The Wall

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"So while I was left to rot like a rat-- you were upstairs gallivanting with your new girlfriend??" Shadow snarled, apparently not happy about the news he had come to learn since he had been back in the outside world. He had met Sally on his way up to the room, who greeted him with confusion and distaste. No matter, Shadow had no interest for the squirrel anyway.

Shadow was also chained tightly against the wall of Sonic's bedroom, which was souring his mood furthermore, not forgetting the torment he had just received from Scourge of all people either. Although smashing his face into the ground had helped alleviate some anger ever so slightly.

"Like it or not; Shadow, I do have a life. It doesn't revolve around you, and you're lucky I'm still respecting this stupid law of you being a previous king--- and not leaving you to burn!!" He could now say he meant that literally and figuratively. Sonic's fur was on edge, his quills raised and eyes burning venom. He was more than pissed that his plan of ignoring Shadow hadn't worked. It seemed that Shadow just couldn't leave him be, despite what he said he said otherwise.

A snort came from Shadow's tanned muzzle. "You'd never do that." He jangled his chains slightly, raising his head in self proclaimed dignity.

"And why not?!!" A flurry of blue bolted across the room, smacked against Shadow and pushed his forehead against a red striped one in rage. The two hedgehogs headbutted each other back simultaneously, each fighting for the upper hand.

"Look at you." Shadow's eyes wandered across an azure body, slowly flicking up and down, to gaze up again to lock eyes with bright emeralds. Tracing his body with his eyes, Shadow leered; "You never were able to stay away."

"Bullshit- stop it." Sonic's hands trembled slightly against the wall. Trying to ignore the way Shadow was practically eating him with his eyes.

"You're so deluded, you don't even know when you've been set up. You didn't need to 'rescue' me- yet there you were, shouting for me- screaming, in fact."

"I'd do the same for any of my friends" Sonic spat curtly.

"But we're not friends. Are we; Sonic. So- pray tell- what are we?~" Shadow's voice became husky and velvety at the end of his sentence. Leaning towards Sonic, he caught a blue ear between sharp canines and allowed his tongue to graze the edge.

Shadow laughed to himself when the blue hedgehog bolted out the room immediately, firing the door almost off its hinges, with a red enough face to match his shoes. Chaos- that scene alone might possibly make up for the literal months Shadow had endured in the dungeon.



Blue legs smacked the ground repeatedly, as he had departed his room and the castle within seconds and was now running through the grounds, twigs and branches smacking him in the face as he desperately hit them away wildly, hoping the trees might lessen the burning red that had grown on his face. That was far too close get away- get away- get away-

The azure hedgehog was in complete panic mode, not thinking that Shadow may be able to escape his chains, not thinking about anything other than escaping everything. Fight or flight had completely overruled his brain, picking the latter of the two, as he had blatantly no idea what to do in this situation.

He realised with annoyance how much Scourge's actions from earlier had affected him. How much he hated watching another pair of hands touch Shadow, but also loved watching the way in which Shadow's body writhed and squirmed under another mobians' touch.

Oh how he wished he could make Shadow squirm.

Gah! If only his brain would Stop thinking- A heat travelled through Sonic's body at the thought, travelling down and landing in his crotch, making Sonic shake his head clear from the obtrusive thought wildly. Sonic was morbidly annoyed with himself and his own emotions. Everything he had done- time spent with Sally to get the dark being out of his stupid mind- all for nothing. Shadow's mere existence had thrown him into reverse, and he had no idea how to even attempt first gear.

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