Chapter 13. Drawing

Start from the beginning

Ninjago City Private Secondary School for Boys

Head: Mr. Tanako

"Bye Dad," Morro said dully, getting out of the car and stomping in through the gates.

Lloyd was petrified all of a sudden. He could not make a single movement to get out of the car, but simply stared at the school building, biting his lip. He knew he was supposed to be ready for school, at least according to Wu, but he felt everything but prepared for it.

"It's okay, Lloyd. It won't be as bad as you think," Wu reassured from the driver's seat. "Your homeroom teacher knows what kinds of conditions you've come from. He'll help you with everything. And Morro will look after you as well."

At the last remark, Lloyd gave his uncle a disbelieving look.

"I know he's been very rude towards you, but I convinced him to keep an eye on you. He'll help you if you really need it."

Lloyd nodded hesitantly. "Okay," he muttered.

"And the school can always call me if anything bad happens. You're completely safe here," Wu said. "There's nothing to be frightened of."

The blond nodded again. He turned to face the school building again, observing it with both curiosity and insecurity. Knowing he couldn't back down anymore, he exchanged goodbyes with his uncle, got out of the car and officially entered the schoolyard.

It felt strange, honestly.

All Lloyd could see was bigger and smaller boys wearing identical clothing, all busy talking, laughing and messing around with their friends. He could spot Morro talking to a couple of boys, one with ginger hair and one with chocolate brown hair. He averted his gaze before Morro had the chance to notice him and scowl at him as he usually did.

Lloyd headed to the doors of the school, as he had been instructed that morning. By the entrance stood a tall, bald, dark-eyed probably-a-teacher. Lloyd didn't know whether he was expected to greet him or not (the man looked like he was expecting a bow), so he simply cracked a small smile.

"You must be Lloyd Garmadon," the teacher said. He had a really strict voice, even stricter than that of Wu's when someone did something foolish.

Lloyd nodded hesitantly.

"I am your homeroom and history teacher, Mr. Winston," the teacher introduced himself. "I will be watching over you today and if you need help, you will simply ask me."

The tone Mr. Winston was using made sure that no matter what type of a matter between life and death Lloyd would be facing, he would not "simply ask" him for help. For now, he would've rather gone to hug a skunk than risk annoying the teacher.

"Have you been told about the school rules yet?" Mr. Winston inquired.

Lloyd did recall his uncle going over the rules the previous night, but he had been so nervous he could remember maybe one or two (also, he had gotten distracted by Jay and Cole's bickering). But he couldn't let his teacher know that without speaking, so he shook his head.

"We can go over them now. Your first lesson will start at 9 o'clock sharp in room 108B, so we have exactly 7 minutes and 46 seconds to go over the most crucial rules that you must follow in order to succeed in your studies, settle in properly and avoid suspension or expulsion due to breaking those rules that this school has proudly held onto since December 1989 when the new regime came to be."

This man should've been awarded for the longest sentence in the world. He didn't even draw a breath in between. The lungs he must've had.

"Now, follow me, please. I'll show you around while we go over the rules," Mr. Winston said and proceeded to walk inside at cheetah speed. Lloyd had to jog to keep up with him.

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