An Outing

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"Come on...please?" Smg4 was on the floor shaking Smg5's rattle in front of her, "Just say it..."

"You know she's not going to say it if you keep shaking that in front of her face, right?" Smg3 tried to muffle his snickers seeing Smg4's attempts, "Give up already."

"Oh, what do you know?"

"That I'm considered the "Dad"~" Smg3 cheekily remarked, "And you're not."

"Oh shut up," Smg4 stuck out his tongue at him; half of his morning already consisted like this, 4 trying to get Smg5 to call him a dad too while he was victim to Smg3's usual teasing.

Smg3 only rolled his eyes "Ugh, why do you care so much anyway?"

"Because I think I should be considered a "Dad" too!" Smg4 heaved a heavy sigh as he stopped shaking the rattle, Smg5 started to grab for it out of his hands and played with it herself.

"I wouldn't worry about it," Smg3 shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows? Maybe 5 will call you "Mom" instead."

"Why do I have to be the mom?"

To add insult to injury to Smg4's sensitive heart, Smg5 was already calling for Smg3 again to be picked up for maybe the 3rd time this morning. Smg3 gladly did so but it only made Smg4 feel a hundred times worse about himself watching him do it; Smg5 always has been a little bit closer to 3 in some ways and for some weird reason, it always rubbed 4 the wrong way some odd reason. 

"OI! 4!"

"Hm?" Smg3 snapped Smg4 out of his head, "Did you say something?"

"Ugh," Smg3 sighed, "I was saying how remember yesterday when we went out of the castle?"

"Yeah...don't remind me..."

"Well, I've been thinking..." Smg3 paused for a split second, "What if this time we get this kid out of here too?"

"Are you serious?" Smg4 raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah, this kid has been trapped in here for less than a month now." Smg3 continued, "She deserves to get out of here."

"You have a point...but where would we even go?"

"Oh, I got just the place..."

"3...when you said "outing"...this is not what I thought you meant..."

"What? It's perfect, no?"

"3...this is a clothing store..."

A clothing store indeed, of all places to take a kid to, especially since this would be the place where they would take 5  into the outside world for the first time. Smg5 couldn't really care less where though, she was content with where she was at and that was in a baby sling that Smg4 was wearing around his torso.

"Okay, so what if it's a clothing store?" Smg3 only scoffed, "We're here for important business anyway."

Smg4 pinched his brow, "What could possibly be so "business" here?"

"Between you and me," 3 moved closer to 4, "I don't trust the clothes that Meggy and Tari picked out for offense."

Smg4 only rolled his eyes at him; he was just a diva sometimes but he knew that if he just argued with him, it would get him nowhere. "Alright fine but we are not spending all day here, deal?"

"Pbff-, I can assure you we won't spend all our time here."

Smg4 could easily tell that was a white lie but he didn't have the time to care so they just went their separate ways into the huge clothing store and tried to look for clothes that were clearly just for Smg5. Smg4 found a couple of cute things because this unexpected shopping trip was for her but Smg3 kept getting distracted in between looking for clothes for 5 and looking for clothes himself and there was something that caught his eye that brought a mischievous smile to himself. Smg4 was busy in an aisle while also keeping an eye out for Smg5 but while he was looking someone had cleared their throat near him as if they wanted his attention; he looked over and saw a sweet-looking old lady.

"Oh um, hello." Smg4 tried to be polite, "Can I help you?"

"I just noticed you and your kid and I wanted to say she's so darling!" The old woman happily exclaimed, "How old?"

"Ah, about 6 months...I'm pretty sure."

"You must be very proud, it's clear that she takes after her father!"

Smg4 only blushed at this, "Ah, well..."

"Thank you!" A new voice had come into play and when they looked over, they saw Smg3 with a smug look on his face, "Hey 4, do you like my new shirt? I think it suits me, no?"

Smg4 wasn't really paying attention to his shirt at first but when he looked at it he noticed it had a "#1 Dad" written on it; this certainly struck a few nerves, "3! Take that off! You look ridiculous!"

"No way! I think it brings out my eyes,"

"If you don't, I will!"

"You have to catch me first!" Smg3 put an L on his forehead before cheekily running off.

Smg4 only stared in disbelief for a few seconds, "Smg3, you know have a baby here! Get back here, you!"

Smg4 tried to run after Smg3 without disturbing 5 but he forgot he just left the old woman there in the middle of the aisle who just had to take a few seconds to process what just happened to her.

"...What an odd family..." 


(*sigh* Hi, it's me, the author again...sorry I keep making appearances...(and for giving you short chapters) but I have an important announcement to make! And that is that Smgenerations is taking a pause for now but just for the entire month of March!...this is mostly because of high school and high school sucks ass 

Sorry for the long wait but Smgenerations will return on April 20th! so stay tuned! And I'll see ya'll in a month!)

(EDIT: I fucking lied lol) 

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