✧ fifty two

159 12 42

Nothing was quite as useful as an umbrella on a hot summer day at the beach. Yanmei was well aware of that, and when she'd seen a vendor renting some out, she'd hurried to get one for herself. While everyone was having fun in the water, she sat under her umbrella, sketchbook in hand. Right in front of her, Hanbin had started playing ball with Irang and Yujin, as if he was trying to distract two elementary schoolers. She chuckled to herself when she heard Yujin screech as the ball hit him right in the face. It was a bit hard to concentrate on sketching the scenery when everyone was so lively.

This place was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. But somehow, the excitement of the people around her only made it more enticing. It was quite rare for Yanmei to enjoy crowded places, but this one... This one was good.

It seemed Hanbin had been wrung completely dry by the two teenagers, because he gave the ball to Irang and slowly made his way back to the shore. He looked absolutely exhausted, his drenched hair sticking to his forehead. Yanmei couldn’t understand how kids these days had so much energy. Even Narae, whom she loved like a sister, was such a chatterbox that she wondered if she was simply getting too old. At least, it seemed Hanbin was too.

Oh. He was walking towards her, wasn't he?

"Yanmei," he greeted her as he reached her, a strangely alluring and languid smile on his face. "How's the sketching going?"

Averting her eyes from the gorgeous sight in front of her, she took a look at her sketchbook. "I don’t know. I haven't been very inspired, since my favorite model is too busy to pose."

He chuckled in response, before sitting on a corner of the towel, taking shelter under the shade of her umbrella. "Well, good thing I'm taking a break."

He'd sat in the perfect place to completely block the sun, its rays of sunlight forming a halo around him. He looked like an angel descending from heaven, his cheeks perfectly rosy from the heat, his half-lidded eyes meeting hers. God, she felt lightheaded. It was probably a result of how hot it was, but his beautiful face certainly wasn’t helping. To think this man had ever had doubts about his handsomeness.

"Oh yes, that will do..." she mused, before putting pen to paper.

It was impossible not to be inspired by such a sight. Yanmei had enjoyed painting him once, and since then, she always found herself longing to draw him again. Though she doubted any stroke of her pencil could do justice to the way he looked right now. He was simply ethereal, his tired state giving him a peaceful, languorous aura. His white button-up shirt reflected the sun so strongly it was blinding her. Its creases, heavy with water, dipped towards the ground, perfectly hugging his fit body, highlighting every curve and muscle.

She sketched and sketched, silent, committing this moment to memory. Even after today, she imagined this sight would still inspire her for weeks to come. She needed to improve, so she could make him as stunning on paper as he was in real life.

Her eyes drifted towards him again, as a drop of water dripped from a strand of his hair, and landed on his cheek. Instinctively, she reached her hand out, and wiped it with her thumb. Hanbin's eyes widened, and only then did Yanmei realize what she’d done. Her hand quickly retreated back to hold her sketchbook, as Hanbin's eyes darted right to the ground. It seemed his cheeks had turned slightly redder.

What in the world was she doing?

"Your, um, your skin is really hot," she remarked, not daring to meet his eyes. She reached into the cool box, and pullet out a bottle of soda. "Here, take this. Should cool you down."

He grabbed it quickly, his fingers brushing against hers. Instead of drinking it, like she'd expected, Hanbin pressed the bottle to his cheek. He let out a sigh of relief as he let the cold penetrate his skin.

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