✧ forty one

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During the first break of morning, most students were too lazy to even leave their classrooms. Some would eat their late breakfast at their desk, some would catch up with their friends, some would just continue their nights, slumped over the table. Irang did neither of those. She was doodling in her planner, humming to herself as she vaguely listened to the two girls chatting right in front of her.

Irang had been in too good of a mood lately. She knew exactly why, but it was hard to admit it out loud. Even now, as Yujin was in that same classroom, she didn't dare go see him. She didn't know how to act with him anymore. After all, the role of girlfriend was completely new and unfamiliar to her.

"How is it going with your boyfriend?" the classmate in front of her asked.

At that question, Irang immediately lifted her head, but it wasn't directed at her. Obviously, as she hadn’t told anyone. The other girl let out a long sigh, slumping against her chair.

"I don’t know, he never wants to spend time with me. He's always with his friends from soccer club," she whined, a pout on her lips. "He even bailed on me the last time we were supposed to go on a date... What should I do? Should I break up with him? I really like him but this isn't what I thought dating would be like..."

Her classmate rubbed her chin contemplatively. "Well, it's a tough choice." She then turned to face Irang. "What do you think, Irang? Should she just dump him?"

She hadn’t expected to be addressed out of nowhere. Especially when it came to relationships. She wasn’t sure how and why, but it was sort of common knowledge around the class that Irang had no experience with love. Her classmates often came to her looking for encouragement, but never for dating advice.


Before Irang could reply, the other girl cut her off, waving her hands. "Oh, don't ask Irang! She's never had a boyfriend, so this really isn't her area of expertise."

There it was. It was true that Irang had never been in the best place to help with matters of the heart. But... Biting her lower lip, she turned her head slightly, to catch a glimpse of Yujin. He was seating a few meters away, attentively listening to his animated classmates rambling about whatever teenage boys were interested in these days.

She did have a boyfriend, now. But they hadn’t really discussed whether it was okay telling everyone. Still, as she watched him, the faintest of smiles on his lips, his fluffy black hair sticking up awkwardly, Irang thought that she wanted nothing more than for everyone to know she was in love with him.

She turned back to her classmates, her lips pinched together. "Um, actually... I do have a boyfriend," she murmured, feeling blood rush to her face.

She should have expected their reactions. The two girls' eyes widened like saucers, and their jaws dropped as stunned yelps came out of their mouths. One of them blinked slowly, trying to process the information, while the other stood up from her chair, slamming her hands flat against Irang's desk.

"What?! You have a boyfriend?"

"Since when?"

Unfortunately, neither of them were very discreet. With their loud exclamations, the whole class had turned around to look at the commotion. Even Yujin and his friends were starting straight at her. Their gazes crossed, and Irang tried to send him an apologetic look. As much as she wanted to tell everyone, she certainly didn’t want to cause problems for him.

"It's very recent," Irang replied hesitantly.

"Oh my god," her classmate exclaimed, her hand over her mouth. "I never expected that! Who is it? Do we know him?"

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