✧ you're invited

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To celebrate their son's first place in a recent violin competition, the Zhang family have decided to organize a banquet in his honour, in their grandiose mansion in the priciest district of Seoul. Of course, they've also invited some of the richest families in their entourage; whether they be business associates, business rivals, or even people they want to impress.

For the nine sons from these families who form a friend group, it's as good a time as any to hang out and have some fun together. But as all friends do, they have a couple of unspoken rules.

Namely: don't you EVER date my sister.

Turns out, as they're all meeting at this party, this rule is a lot harder to respect than they expected.


in which Yujin's older sister
he always makes fun of for being
a nerd is actually hot and it
sparks chaos


hello one and all! i'm new to the zb1 wattpad sphere (been feeling like a grandma btw lol) but i used to be really into applyfics years ago so i though i'd give it another try :)

if you can tag any friends, i would very much appreciate it!

thank you for reading ♡

ilyjeongs TIANYUES- zb1filez haobinsgf

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