✧ twenty five

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After a couple years spent apart, all Haewon wanted was for things with Hao to go back to the way they were before. So far, that endeavor seemed fairly successful. They were finally a couple again, and she felt on cloud nine. She knew she would eventually have to return to California, but that was for her future self to deal with. Right now, she was in this perfect, parallel world, and she didn't want to be pulled out of it.

Sitting in front of the piano, in the beautiful music room of the Zhang mansion, Haewon mindlessly played with the keys. Hao was sitting behind her on a chair, glued to his phone, but still tapping his feet and shaking his head along to the music. Somehow, his mere presence made music naturally come out of her. She didn't even need to think about it. Back in California, she'd attempted to maintain her piano routine. Of course, her dormitories didn't allow her to have a whole keyboard in her room, so she'd had to sign up to borrow the one from the music club. But playing without Hao was so... Lonely. The notes always sounded wrong. Empty. Broken melodies, only able to be made whole by the man she loved.

Haewon let out a small sigh, a mix of joy and resignation. Every second spent with him filled her with so much happiness she could hardly contain. But every second spent with him, also pushed her closer to the day she would have to say goodbye. The negative thoughts seeping their way into the cracks of her mind, Haewon lifted her hands from the keys and turned to look at her boyfriend. He always managed to cheer her up. She stood from her stool and approached him, but not once did he look up from his phone.

What could be so interesting that he wouldn't even spare a glance at his girlfriend? A bit envious, Haewon craned her neck around to get a glimpse of the screen. She blinked.

What was he doing on a phone number lookup website?

"What are you looking for?" she spoke up, making him flinch.

Finally, he snapped his head in her direction, his mouth agape. Caught red handed, he stammered for a second, before scratching his cheek in embarrassment. Haewon had no idea what was going on, but God, he was so cute when he was shy.

"Oh, um, I'm actually looking up the number that texted you last time," he murmured, his voice hesitant.

"Really?" Haewon sat down in the chair next to him. "And what did you find?"

"It's a prepaid number, so there's no name attached. No clues here," he mumbled, his lips pursed.

Haewon knew exactly what Hao was feeling at this moment; she'd seen it so many times. Whether it was before the high school entrance exam, or a big junior violin competition, he was never good at hiding his anxiety. His brows were furrowed, and his leg bounced up and down without rest. Poor Hao seemed to be feeling pretty antsy about this whole situation. If she'd known, maybe she would have kept it to herself.

No, that state of mind was what had separated them in the first place. She was right to have shared this with him. And if he was anxious, all she needed to do was reassure him. Gently, she took one of his hands and squeezed it. He turned back to her, the crease in between his brows softening.

"It's alright. Do you have any idea who it could be?" she asked, her voice as soft as she could make it. "Has someone tried to ask you out or confessed to you while I was gone? If you have a known admirer, it could be them."

Hao stopped to think for a second, his tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration. "Well, a lot of people asked me out. But I always refused, and they never seemed too mad about it."

Haewon couldn't help but chuckle. "Wow, you're very popular. Should I be jealous?"

After all, that was nothing new. Hao was simply the most charming guy she'd ever met, and even in their teenage years, he always seemed to be pursued by a horde of suitors. No one could resist his eloquence, his poise, his adorable side. Least of all her. Still, with all these candidates around, he'd chosen her. Twice, now. Truthfully, Haewon wondered what someone like Hao saw in her.

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