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"Morning baby",yes he calls me baby because I'm a 5yr old kid for him but today I felt something on his hand and

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"Morning baby",yes he calls me baby because I'm a 5yr old kid for him but today I felt something on his hand and...

And there was a huge scar or I can say a wound which I think is deep cut "wh-at... Wha-t happened here, are you fine, does it hurt, how did you got it here? " He listened my questions calm "Answer me, idiot ".. I continued as I was tensed "Zuki..? "

He answered calmly "It's nothing baby, its just....I... I had an accident.. I mean" My brows got up in questioning manner, while he continued "I mean I got it while a saving a old lady, a thief got her purse and I ran behind and he gave me this cut; Nothing serious "and he still said calmly .

"are you serious?? This is a big cut, did you called the cops? , you're mad, how can you be so kind to others? "I said while been fake angry or you can say a fake upset expression.

"E..ahh.. Baby, it's nothing ..I was just saving that lady, don't worry and yes we called the cops and this wound is totally fine,, It is healing properly.. " he stated clearly and calmly .

"Ok-make sure you don't be a superhero, once again " "Ok-Zuki?? "
I asked in a commanding way.

"yes -baby" He kissed my forehead while saying this .
That's why I melt over him, he protects me and calms me everytime, that's why I love him as my bestfriend ,best friend should be like this to their every friend..

[People would think that this is wrong that the nickname he is using to address me or the forehead peck is wrong but believe me 'Best friend' are not just for names but also for a world. I indeed know that He is something but special and I don't know what it is but it is something special!, If you think, what I'm saying about special it's coz He was always with me at my worst when 3 years back-]

Uhhh leave it!!!!

He indeed annoys the fuck out of me but loves me the same.

"Don't worry - Reh"

"No, but I'm angry why didn't you contacted me from last two days.. Huh?? " I said while hitting his shoulder.. "ah.. I was just busy as you know I was busy with my parents "

"Ok-i forgive you this time....and how are you, okay? Did your parents said again something?? "

"No,, nothing serious just asking about my studies" he continued while asking me " 'tu vas bein?' "

[are you fine? In French ]

"yay.. 'Je vas bein!' "

[Yay.. I'm fine! ]

"Yesterday when-"I was saying about yesterday seen but I was cut off when suddenly our professor came in and everyone gretted him and he proceeded the class.

We have to be silent In his class as he is very strict regarding his teaching, but he is humorous at all time besides 'Teaching.

But anyways we chatted and laughed at stupid things but no one noticed us....

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