Eri And kota get in trouble

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Timeskip A few days later

Lady Nagant has been living at Izuku's houses for a while now and she could tell that Inko is being cold towards her but when it comes down to Izuku's other girlfriends she is nice towards them

While Inko was looking at houses on a laptop, she was searching the area but all of a sudden she could feel Someone using Rage for about 30 seconds then stop

N/A:Remember if you have Rage you can feel someone when the active it

Inko(Thinks)That's strange...Maybe it's Izuku

Lady Nagant:Inko we need to talk

Inko:Yeah We do...Have the baby I noticed you have been throwing up a lot

Lady Nagant:The baby doing fine but I want to talk to you

Inko:Okay Can it wait I'm looking at houses when We move

Lady Nagant(Sigh)Why don't you like me?

Inko:Excuse me

Lady Nagant:I notice lately that you have been treating me like...Badly compared to Izuku's other girlfriends and I don't know If it was the situation with me and Izuku in the past but I want you to stop treating me differently because I had some altercations with your son I'm his baby's mother and you have to do deal with it

Inko looks at her with a disinterested and Confused look then she slowly closes the laptop

Inko:Sit down

Lady Nagant took a sit

Inko:What made you think I don't like you?

Lady Nagant:Is because you treat me differently from Izuku's other girlfriends

Inko:And That it

Lady Nagant:And I know me and Izuku were enemies once but It still gives you an excuse too

Inko:Girl...You got the game messed up extremely mess up

Lady Nagant:So you do like me?

Inko:No you were right I don't like you but it's not for the reason you think

Lady Nagant:Then can you explain

Inko:Kaina Tsutsumi

Lady Nagant(Thinks)Wait...She uses my first and last name...Oh shit

Inko:Their a reason why I don't like you...It is because you haven't given me a reason to like you, Just because you're pregnant with my grandchild I'm supposed to like and respect you

Lady Nagant:Uhm well-

Inko:That was a rhetorical question...I have a Question for you, Kaina Tsutsumi...What law is it said I need to like you?

Lady Nagant was silent until Inko started snapping her finger to get attention

Inko:Come on you were supposed to answer that...What law is it to say I need to like you?

Lady Nagant:There isn't

Inko:So My In they fuck are you demanding That I like you

Lady Nagant:I'm not I'm just saying that you treat me differently from-

Inko:Kaina How old are you

Lady Nagant:I'm not saying the exact...But I'm in my late 30's

Inko: You're twice my Son's age and you're now just getting your life together, If that's not a red flag I don't know what is you don't even know how to cook that well, And by the way, You can take that whole "You don't like me because How I treat Your son before we started dating" Card bullshit out because do you know how many Of My son girlfriends didn't like his ass then they started dating

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