life as rapper and attention

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Jamal and Denki was working on their new song and wanted to add someone a pro hero to a song (new flame that a Chris brown, usher, Rick Ross song)

Jamal:ayo think we need someone else in this like

Denki: like a person that is can rap that not you

Jamal:yeah man like I know I'm talented but I trying to new something new to the table

Denki:yeah man

Jamal:I think we should add a pro hero

Denki:dude you G because I never thought of that


Jamal:yo wtf was that?

Denki:what was that

Jamal:I think I know who matter of fact I know who


Jamal:one of my girls

(Walk out of the studio and walk to the support class)

Jamal:mei was that you

Mei: I'm sorry for that my babies kinda miscalculated

Jamal: miscalculated...


Jamal:Wait aren't you at the sports festival

Mei:oh course my baby is going to make me rich and successful

Jamal:I don't blame you

Power loader:hey you name Jamal right that rapper can I speak to you

Jamal:hmm sure

(Walk with power loader)

Jamal:what up

Power loader:are you mei boyfriend

Jamal....yeah how did you

Power loader: because mei has been acting weird

Jamal:how does that seem normal

Power loader:no like weird like she acting she been spacing out in class and that explosion that wasn't the first time like she always spacing out and when you talking to the other girl she always seems jealous and kinda yandere and she rarely sleeps like an hour at best

Jamal:oh shit

Power loader:do you have like a harem going on

Jamal: promise you to keep this between us already

Power loader: don't worry because the only time she not acting like that when you talking to that orange big head and blonde girl that can copy Qurik are or the ponygirl so-

Jamal:I talk to her ok

Power loader:and I love your music

Jamal:thank you I appreciate the support

Back to class

Jamal: mei can talk to you in the studio

Mei:of course

In the studio

Jamal:yo why been acting weird

Mei:what you talking about I've been working on our babies

Jamal:ok and I like that but need to take breaks

Mei:Oh come on izuku I take a break

Jamal:yeah I hour sleep

Mei:Oh I can't sleep all I've been like this for like a week I just keep making and making our babies and you never test them with me

Jamal:oh so that the problem you don't I think I don't spend time with you

Deku The Number 1 Black Hero Deku x haremWhere stories live. Discover now