The race

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So eri has been a new member of the family and she been happy with the new mom, brothers, and sister but still has nightmares about overhaul and has been home school ever since because people finding her and the yakuza are trying to figure out who did this to kai(overhaul) the reason why they haven't figured out that kai didn't get his face all they know that he over 6 foot and he African American

So eri has been a new member of the family and she been happy with the new mom, brothers, and sister but still has nightmares about overhaul and has been home school ever since because people finding her and the yakuza are trying to figure out who...

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Sir nighteye office

Sir nighteye:mirio where the first year students you recommended

Mirio:I don't know he said that he had an important family business that he had

Sir nighteye:I didn't expect much for him he may be powerful but he is unreliable

Mirio head: that's really unlike him to do this (leave the room)

Sir nighteye: anyways bubble girl update me on the yakuza investigation

Bubble girl:sir there was a trail of blood on the scene in an alleyway look like was drag then the lead was gone and it's was so clean afterward but still left a couple of spots and we found 4 bullet caps on what looked like a revolver (gun)

Sir nighteye:did you get any video evidence of this happening

Bubble girl: I'm sorry but no we don't

Sir nighteye:thank you for your time

Bubble girl:yes sir(leave the room)

Sir nighteye head:4 bullet caps of a revolver that odd maybe the kill someone and did a poor job of cover it up ain't that a coincidence

Lov and yakuza meeting

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Shigarka:so what you're telling me that a man over 6 feet attacked you shoots you and took the main part of the whole plan I'm quite disappointed in you

Kai:no I could have easily killed him but when I try to use my Qurik it didn't work at all

Shigarka:I find that hard to believe
(He knows who he talking about but not snitching for other reasons)

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