The Deal

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Later on that say Izuku was resting and relaxing from all the stress that had while the hero found a strategy to find All for One and Shigarka

Both Izuku and Shigarka went to sleep at the same time and they were in the same dream world

Both Izuku and Shigarka went to sleep at the same time and they were in the same dream world

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Izuku:Wait I'm back in the same place as before...Then where are all the past users of One For All I don't see them anywhere I don't even see Rage Me, what Going on?

Then he looked around and he has seen shigarka in this same place


Izuku:Shigarka I should have known you were up to this

Shigarka:What are you talking about I don't know anything about this but it doesn't matter your dead anyways

Izuku tried to summon his guns but he couldn't do it

Shigarka:As I expected you nothing without your firearms how about I decay you and get this over with

Shigarka tries to use his quirk but it doesn't work

Izuku:Look like you are on the same boat as me shigarka

Shigarka:You bastard This is all your and the hero's fault

Izuku:My nigga Excuses me...Are you fucking kidding me do you know how many innocent lives you took away you dare to blame us YOU'RE PATHETIC EXCUSES FOR BLAMING OTHER PEOPLE FOR YOU'RE PROBLEMS

Shigarka:Are you kidding me all I wanted to was be loved and I needed help and in a society where the main job is being a hero Why didn't nobody Help me When I needed saving...The only person that help me was all for one He helped me not a damn hero soul dare to help me

Izuku:Shigarka you had an opportunity to get help but no you want to turn into All for one Little Bitch and He not even helping you he using you He going to use you to make a vessel because he owes body is dying and can't containing the quirks he stolen

Shigarka:Don't you think I know that...I fight every day to keep out of my Mind and body...The only thing I want is to Destroy hero society

Izuku:I don't understand Your grandmother was the number 1 hero you have hero blood in you how can turn into a villain

Shigarka(Thinks)Maybe you don't understand My father abused me because my grandmother was a hero and Father didn't want us to know grandma with a hero I found out He took that anger out on me and my family

Izuku:What happened to your family?

Shigarka:I killed them

Izuku:Wait why?

Shigarka:I didn't mean to kill them that's when my quirk first active and I killed the family Dog and then I killed the whole family On accident Well except my family I meant to kill him

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