planning,the raid

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So after the (extra)told the heroes what izuku did to overhaul and save eri the heroes were just shocked and not surprised at all and the lov know who overhaul talking about but didn't say anything because there not friends with izuku but were cool with him that type of relationship
with(shigarka,dabi, twice, gentle,la brava, compressed)(somewhat lady Nagant)

Sir nighteye:so izuku the one in the video

Extra:yes that's what I telling you

Sir nighteye(heavy sigh) someone put him on the phone right now

Rock lock:so we let a first-year did our job for us

Awaiza:no he didn't Strom the base but he got the girl out of there and I don't doubt he beat overhaul because he has that rage Quirk

Bubble girl:wait what overhaul Qurik again

Sir nighteye: it allows him to grant him the ability to disassemble anything he touches, as well as reassemble it in any configuration he desires, effectively giving him full control over the matter. He can disassemble people to kill them or reassemble them to heal their wounds.

Grand Torino:so not related to izuku Qurik at all

Ryukyu:that still means we have to Strom the base and arrested the other members of the yakuza

Sir nighteye: that's right but someone put on the phone

Mirio:I got it sir(calls izuku)

Location Izuku house

(Jamal phone)
(Wake up from a nap)
Izuku look at the caller id and it was just a number and assume it scam call so decline the call and went back to sleep

Mirio:he not picking up the phone

Nejire:I call him(call him)

Izuku phone goes off

(Same thing happened and decline)

Nejire:He not picking up the phone

Sir nighteye:Mr awaiza is izuku usually unreliable


Sir nighteye: please someone has him the phone

Ochako (call him)

(Izuku ring phone)

Izuku: these mother-(answer the phone)


Izuku: Y'all niggas keep calling me on these scam calls again see what happens

Ochako:Jamal it's me Ochako

Izuku:oh my bad what do you what?

Ochako (put it on speaker)you on speaker

Izuku:so what y'all need

Awaiza:we need you and Inko to the meeting room in sir nighteye agency

Izuku:really what the threat level

Awaiza:code dark red

Izuku(jumps up) alright I be the in 30 minutes or least send me the location(hangs up)

Sir nighteye: everyone listens we need overhaul alive so izuku or Inko get out of control to spray this there faces(put down a spray)

Fatgum: what does it do

Sir nighteye:I realized there the other way to calm him down we don't have a Quirk that can control emotions yet but this is the closes thing we got it's temporarily disabled there his angry or whatever he feeling at the moment

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