They Weren't So Great (fluff)

Start from the beginning

The walk from where you were to Patrick's was only around ten minutes which was lucky as it began to rain large, heavy drops. Uou were only a victim of the rain for a couple of minutes but it was enough to soak you through to the skin and chill you.

You arrived at his familiar front door and hesitated, clearing the tears from your face and taking a deep breath, willing yourself not to cry again as you knocked.

Patrick opened it almost immediately and stood in the frame. He still had his fedora on and was pretty well dressed to say he was at home. Maybe he hadn't been back long, you thought. A troubled look on his face took your mind off how nice he looked and reminded you of why you were there and you felt the hot prickle in your eyes again.

With sadness dripping from his words, Patrick said, "come on in, let's get you dried off."

You followed him inside, wiping your nose on youe sleeve and wiping your feet on the mat. He disappeared into the house as you stood, hugging yourself just inside the door. Soon he was back, holding a towel, a blanket and some spare clothes.

"I was just going to start a bath before you rang, would you like me to run you one so you can warm up?" He offered.

You smiled weakly. "It's alright but thank you."

"I'll make us some hot coffee while you dry off... go and change and get warm."

You nodded, and he told you to go to his room to change. As you webt upstairs you wrapped yourself up in the towel protectively, squeezing your hair into it to get the water out of it.

Being aware of his house and its lay out as you'd been there often, you webt directly but slowly to his bedroom. On his bed were his pajamas, laid out neatly on the covers ready for him when he had it bath. You let out a nasily chuckle. He was really sweet, just everything he did was so innocent and pure, it surprised you that he was single and lived alone especially with the fact that fans practically threw themselves at him. But you supposed he wasn't very interested in that kind of brief, one night romance. Even the thought of romance made you upset again bur you tried to push it to the back of your mind as you changed into the clothes he gave you; some comfy bottoms, a large t-shirt and his blue dressing gown. He'd even given you some slippers of his to wear.

Smiling to yourself, you looked in his full length mirror. You suited his clothes, even if you said so yourself. Him being a little on the shorter side definitely had its advantages when it came to swapping wardrobes. You sniffed, trying to clear your nose and noticed that your new outfit smelt like Patrick. He had a nice smell, it was familiar and warm and clean and you enjoyed the fact that you smelt a little of him. He did so much for you... Jake would never have done all this for you, at one point in your life though, around an hour ago, you were idle enough to believe he would have. Shaking off the thoughts about him, you headed back downstairs to see Patrick, clutching thr blanket he'd given you.

Following the smell of coffee, you ended up in Patrick's kitchen. His back was to you bur you could hear drinks being poured. You sat at the table, not speaking and he turned round holding two mugs, one in each hand. Placing one down in front of you, he joined you at the table.

"Here you go. Just the way you like it," he said, nodding towards the drink. You smiled, he knew how you liked your drinks ans he got it right every time without fail, but then again, being childhood best friends made hot drinks a regular occurrence. Taking the cup in your hands, you warmed up yoyr fingers carefully.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Patrick asked softly after you both enjoyed a few seconds of comfortable silence.

Nodding you looked down at the drink in your hand. "I-it was jake..." you began, willing yourself to not cry. "He cheated on me-"

Patrick Stump Imagines/oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now