The Blind Mate: Brutal Truth

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I then say, with much sarcasm lacing my voice.
"I get it Jesus Christ."

"Do not talk back to me!"
He growled at me in an inhuman way, and I felt warm chills go throughout my body when he did that, him growl at me like a literal canine....well technically he is a canine, since he's a Dog Demon.

I click my mouth closed and then say through my teeth.
"Sorry Your Majesty."

He growled yet again at me, him showing his dominance over me, and I take a step back, and I heard him start walking, and I follow next to him.

He's really moody today, so what's gotten into him?
We are just expressing our concerns, me and Jaken are about my safety, so what climbed up his asshole and died?!
I thought to myself, my mind lacing heavily in sarcasm.

I decided to remain silent so I don't agitate him anymore, so we walked a long time, and then I felt the terrain shift under my shoes, making me realize we were coming upon a dirt road, and I ask him.
"Are we on a road now?"

"Yes, near a village.
I can scent out a village ahead."
Sesshomaru replied to me.
"And we can get you food if you are hungry."

"I'm not hungry yet, but we can buy snacks for later though.
I'd love sweets for later."
I say to him, me cheerfully saying this, me so wanting to eat something sweet for once.

"We can see if they are selling rice cakes."
Sesshomaru says to me, and I grin at him happily.

"I haven't had rice cakes in years!
I'd love that!"
I say excitedly.

"Calm down.
It's only sweets."
Jaken says to me, him I could tell he was annoyed I got so excited.

"I can't help it.
I was about ten years old since I last had a rice cake."
I tell Jaken.
"Not many people could make them back home, well not before I moved back to Kagome's home.
Sweets back home are quite different.
There is a chocolate bar I like called a KitKat.
My favorite flavor was mint and dark chocolate.
I also love the chocolate peanut butter bar called a Butterfinger.
Oh damn, just thinking about both of them makes me want them now."
I rub the back of my neck.

"What is chocolate?"
Sesshomaru asked me.

"Oh, right!
Chocolate isn't even introduced yet here in this era.
Chocolate is made from a Cocoa plant, made into a brown sweet milky yummy substance, and it can be morphed into a chocolate bar.
People also give the chocolate to their boyfriends or girlfriends on a holiday called Valentine's day.
Valentine's day is a day to celebrate love, and it's a day couples get together and have a romantic day together."
I tell Sesshomaru.
"It's a pretty fun holiday, besides Christmas.
Christmas is the twenty-fifth day of December, or the first winter month.
It's when a fat old man in a red suit, flies across the North Pole with his flying reindeer to deliver Christmas cheer and happiness, by giving gifts to kids, while they sleep, but only if you are not on his naughty list, and if you are on his naughty list, then you are not given a present, but only coal.
His name is Santa, and his elves make all the presents too.
People decorate their homes with all sorts of lights, and other things in celebration of this holiday."

"Sounds like an idiotic holiday, the Christmas one."
Sesshomaru says to me, him not amused by the tale about Santa.

"Actually it's a day about being nice to people, even though they can be assholes to you, to show kindness, and give gifts to them.
It's about spreading happiness and cheer.
But I doubt you and Inuyasha would do that with each other.
To be honest, I can imagine you two fighting over the Christmas dinner food, like the turkey, and ham.
I love the sweet yams at that time of year."
I say to him, me now hungry for sweet yams.

The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Love Story {18+}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz