Halfwit and Dimwit

876 37 2

Here's the next chapter......

Gooooood morning everyone, I started working on this two nights ago, but my lack of energy from me having issues getting my thyroid meds filled, made me put off updating it, but now I got it filled.
Without my thyroid meds it can effect my moods and my energy level.
In the future I may need it removed if my levels keep being outta whack.

Facts about me:
My favorite coffee is Pumpkin Spice coffee, with caramel creamer, and I use sugar substitutes instead of regular sugar.
On occasion I put whipped cream on top.
I always have a cup of it when I first wake up since I take medicine that causes sleepy side effects at night.
I also like pumpkin spice donuts, and other pumpkin spiced things.
Why do I like it?
Cause it has a certain flavor and texture I like.
I won't eat foods that stink like at all or I get sick. I'm sensitive to smells, and have an extreme sensitive sense of smell which detected a gas leak in time to save our lives.
If I say I smell something my folks know I'm not lying.

This chapter I hope you guys enjoy it and thank you for about 10k reads!
This story is a slow burn, so any steamy stuff will be later, though it's an erotic romance.
I decided to do a slow burn for once.


The next morning was right out of a Jerry Springer Episode, like Auntie said, as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were fighting over literal breakfast items, which was idiotic at it's finest.

You stole my bacon slices!"
Inuyasha bitches out, and yes Sesshomaru used his chopsticks to steal them off Inuyasha's plate, which I heard with my ears, and I sigh at the immaturity of the two half brothers.

"Don't worry there's plenty more Inuyasha."
Auntie assures Inuyasha.
"Since Tyra won't eat much of it."

"It's too salty and that's why."
I tell Auntie.

Inuyasha growled at Sesshomaru as I heard Sesshomaru swipe a few pieces of Inuyasha's eggs.
"My eggs too!
Keep your mitts off my food dammit!"
Inuyasha grits out angrily.

I then grab Sesshomaru's right elf ear, tugging it, and pinching it.
"Knock it off Sesshomaru!
Picking on your brother ain't nice!"
I scold him, and I felt his thousand yard glare when I did that.

I then let his ear go, and I know it was red, because the blood rushed to it, which I could hear.
"Looks like I'll have to make more bacon and eggs, because we got more boys in the house."
Auntie says cheerfully, her getting up ,and going to the kitchen, and started making more bacon and eggs.

"Don't worry Inuyasha, Auntie will make more."
I assure Inuyasha.

I then pinch Sesshomaru's hand with my own chopsticks before he could steal more of Inuyasha's food.
"I told you to stop stealing his food!"
I pinched his hand hard with the chopsticks, making him flinch, which I could feel from my chopsticks I had clamped on his hand as I glare at his golden eyes.
"Enough already!
I may be blind but I can still stop you from swiping his food like this!"

Sesshomaru pulled his hand away, him I guess obeying me as Auntie gave Sesshomaru more bacon and eggs, and Inyasha too some.
"There you are.
Auntie says to them both cheerfully, and both the men ate what she served them, that is until they got full.

After breakfast; I decided to go shopping with Auntie, to take things on our journey, and Sesshomaru decided to go with us, and Auntie had to keep dragging him back to walk beside us, because he got distracted by all the smells in the city, due to his sensitive nose.
We finally made it to the supermarket, and we bought things Sesshomaru picked, which most of it was junk.

Sesshomaru helped carry things too, and I could hear girls that we passed by say.
"He's beautiful.
That girl is lucky to have him, but is he a foreigner?
His eyes are gold."

The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Love Story {18+}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora