The Blind Mate: Enter Jaken And A-un

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Here's the next chapter.....
The reason why I'm up late all night is due to my sleep pattern was messed up on accident, forgot to set my morning alarm and I slept too long yesterday.
I been up all night, and will stay up until I crash later tonight to fix said sleep schedule.

Next month BTW I'm having an EMG because a doctor believes I have nerve damage in my body.
My mother thinks it's from me being dropped on my head at 6 months old.
At the time my biodad threatened her life so she couldn't take me to the ER.
The damage is done.
But I'm happy I'm alive.
I have a partner who loves me, a mother who will move the moon for me when I need help to not be homeless.
Yes there's arguments in my household, but in the end things are resolved.

I'm glad many people enjoy this story.
This kind of blindness she has is based off of my bad vision I have with my lazy eye, and how my vision is effected by my hydrocephalus.
Both are being treated accurately.
I figure I'll go blind before I'm 40.
If I do.
I just want to let you guys know when I do, and I will no longer be able to write my stories.


As this man guided me forward I eventually heard a something groan, making me jump a little.
"That is A-un."
The man says to me.

Is it a horse."
I ask him.

"No, a two headed dragon demon."
The man says to me, then he lets go of me.
"A-un come."
I heard the creature A-un stomp up to me.
"This woman is blind, so be her eyes."
A-un I heard nods then I heard A-un groan.

I felt something grab the scruff of my collar of my shirt, and I was lifted high in the air, then my rear plopped upon a saddle, me trailing my hands upon the leather of the saddle, and the leather was real leather, not synthetic.
I then trail my hands further, and I blink in shock I felt warm scales, then a mane of two heads.
"Whoa, you are a dragon.
This is a first for me."

"You thought I lie?"
The man asked me, me hearing his boots walk by the dragon demon creature A-un, which A-un stomped as A-un walked.

"Well it was hard to believe, because things like A-un don't exist where I'm from."
I tell the man, tilting my head to his voice, and his voice sounded kind, and warm, but I had a feeling he wasn't always that way around others.

"You are the cousin of Inuyasha's wench then if you speak as such."
The man says to me.

"Why do you call my cousin a wench in such disdain?
What has she ever done to you truly?"
I ask him.

"The woman kept me from obtaining what I desired."
The man says to me.
"A fang."

"All for a tooth?
I say to him.
"Sounds like one powerful teethers."
I say to him, wiggling my fingers in quotations.

"It is powerful.
The fang is a sword known as Tetseiga.
The blade can wipe out a hundred demons in one fell swoop."
The man says to me, and I can tell he was being honest, since honesty laced his voice.

"Can I ask you something?"
I ask him.

There you are!"
I jump a little at the shrill voice.

"Who's that?"
I ask, darting my eyes around, and usually I don't get snuck upon, but I didn't hear whoever that was, because I was so focused on the man I'm talking to, well his voice, to try to detect any lies.

He says to me.

"Milord, why is a human on the back of A-un?"
Jaken asked.

Wait, is this man I met a lord of something?
I thought to myself, me puzzled as hell.

The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Love Story {18+}Where stories live. Discover now