Saying Goodbye And Down The Rabbit Hole Again!

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Here's the next chapter........


The road to the village where the well resided at was a long journey, but eventually we arrived to it in three days time, and when we did, an old woman I heard walk up, hearing her footsteps in the grass, and she asked.
"Who are ye?
Why do you come to a poor village such as ours?"

"Lady Kaede the girl on the demon's saddle looks exactly like Lady Kikyo!"
I heard a male voice exclaim.

I felt the old woman's eyes staring into my soul.
"Yes, she does indeed look exactly like my sister."
She remarked back to the man who spoke to her.

"I am here to return this girl to her homeland through the well."
Sesshomaru tells the woman called Kaede.

"The girl must be the girl Lady Kagome is searching for Lady Kaede."
The male voice told Kaede.

"Leave the girl to us."
Kaede says to Sesshomaru.

"I will personally see her off home."
Sesshomaru the stubborn mule he was says to Kaede, him not trusting Kaede I bet with my safety.

"Alright then, ye may do so Dog Demon."
Kaede says to Sesshomaru.

"You know who I am then?"
Sesshomaru asked the old woman.

"Indeed I do thanks to Inuyasha and Kagome."
Kaede replied.

"I wish to return the girl home through the well, nothing more."
Sesshomaru replied to her.
"I will send her back, so show me the direction of the well."

Follow me Dog Demon."
I heard Kaede walk away, her footsteps crunching onto the grass, and Sesshomaru guided A-un towards the direction of where we need to go, and after awhile, I felt A-un stop walking.

"The well is in front of us as ye can see."
Kaede says to Sesshomaru.

"The girl is blind so I shall guide her up to it."
Sesshomaru says to Kaede, and I felt Sesshomaru gently tug me off A-un's saddle, and onto my feet, and I look up into his glowing shimmering golden eyes, which I saw hinted sadness in him having to let me leave this era, him torn it's seems by the fact he has to do this to protect me.

I then hug him, making him grunt as I tell him.
"I'll never forget you and your kindness, plus I'll miss you alot."
I then pull away from the hug, and he took my hand in his, and he guided me to walk, until he then placed my hand on wood, and I felt around the grains of wood with my hands, realizing this was the well I needed to go back home through.

"Return home where you belong Tyra."
He says to me, and I turn to him, tears going down my cheeks.
He puts a hand upon my cheek.
"Do not cry.
One day you will be able to return, maybe."

"I hope so Sesshomaru."
I tell him, me sobbing this out.
"I won't ever forget you."

"Go, live a good life, until we see each other again."
Sesshomaru then shoved my chest, and I fell over, and into the well, making me scream.

"Sesshomaru, why did you thrust her so cruelly into the well?!"
Kaede asked him.

"For her own good."
He replied, and turned around, him walking away, with A-un and Jaken following him.

Though ye are a rumored to be a cruel Dog Demon, ye in fact care about her, yet pushing her away is the wrong choice my friend, because it will only hurt her, making her heart yearn for ye more.
Kaede thought to herself, her watching him leave, his long silver hair swishing in the cool breeze that went by.

The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Love Story {18+}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin