Neptune: Why don't we wait for them to show up? I'm sure they'll make an appearance at some point.

Noire: You want to sit around and wait for them to terrorize our nations?!

Xion: I think what Neptune means is to wait for them to make a move, then we'll face them again.

Vert: Not a bad plan. If there's another encounter, we might be one step closer in finding out more about their objective.

Blanc: I suppose it's the best we can think of.

Uni: Where's Nepgear?

Y/N: She left to do a quest. She'll be back soon.

Xion: What does Nepgear do here?

Neptune: She makes new inventions and cool devices. Would you like to see some?

Xion: Uh, sure?

Noire: Are you sure we shouldn't be going into other people's things?

Uni: I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Nepgear showed me a few things once.


They were all in Nepgear's workshop, browsing around at Nepgear's creations.

Xion: Wow, Nepgear made all of this?

Neptune: Yep, my little sister is quite a genius.

Uni: She really likes machinery. She smiled.

Y/N: She even made these goggles I have, the NR.

Rom: I wonder what this thing does. She examined at one of Nepgear's devices. It was a white round device with glass behind it. There were controls in front of it.

Ram: Why don't we find out?

Blanc: Don't go touching her things! We don't know what it does!

Y/N: I haven't actually seen this before.

Vert: What has my cute sister been hiding from me?

Neptune: She's my sister! And I haven't seen this either. How about I try it out?

She walked towards the controls.

Noire: Are you seriously trying to mess with her things?! She exclaimed, standing beside her.

Y/N: Why don't we wait until Nepgear gets back? He suggested, joining them.

Neptune: Relax, I know what I'm doing. She said pressing a few random buttons.

Blanc: I seriously doubt that.

Vert: I'm sure it's safe.

Uni: Please hurry back, Nepgear.

Xion: Maybe we shouldn't do this.

Neptune: Too late, already opened it.

The glass container was rising up, making the device touchable. Soon it was starting to light up.

Y/N: What's going on?

Noire: Now you see what you've done?!

Neptune: Cool, a light show!

Blanc: Damn it, Neptune.

Vert: What could happen?

Histoire: Neptune, Y/N, there you are. Can you help me with-. She said, floating towards the group.

The device shines brighter, making the group cover their eyes.

Histoire: Ah, my eyes!

Noire: Why is it so bright?!

Keyblade Wielder in Gamindustri (Harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now