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I woke groggily from a dreamless sleep to find myself laying in a small clearing surrounded by wild sunflowers. The events of the previous day came rushing back in a massive headache. Part of me had hoped it was all a bad dream and that I would return to my boring and meaningless life, it was wishful thinking. I was still wearing my admittedly crazy Pi dress from last night, being's I was too tired to change. Besides, there wasn't really any time.

I scanned the clearing, but couldn't find Dionysus anywhere. Suddenly a rumbling sound chided in the distance. I shrugged my shoulders and got up to follow the noise, it had to be Mr. D. As I got closer I realized he was having a shouting match with a boy. I slowed my pace and watched from a distance not wanting to intrude. I peaked through the greenery to find Bacchus arguing with three teenagers. He must've changed forms when I was asleep, an idea that I still didn't understand. The weirdest thing was that one of them was riding on top of a black winged horse and the other two were riding on a horse that seemed to be made of storm clouds. My jaw dropped as I stared at the picture. That was certainly not what I expected.

There were two boys and a girl, the girl was beautiful, brown skin and choppy hair with a braid to the side of her face tucked behind her ear. She wore an orange shirt that said, "CAMP HALF-BLOOD" on it and denim shorts. I realized quickly that if anyone was that pink and beige girl it probably wouldn't be her. As beautiful as she was, it was clear she did everything to not stand out.

The shorter of the two guys had dark brown hair that glinted red in the sunlight and eyes so green I could spot them from here; he also wore a Camp Half-blood shirt, but instead of shorts he had on jeans. In his hand was a pen, it seemed like he was using it as a threat, but I mean.. it was just a pen so it looked kinda funny. He had one of those faces that screamed trouble, the kind that a teacher would always keep an eye out for. He was kind of cute in a charming kind of way, he had a pretty decent muscle mass and was well built.

The boy next to him who was about an inch taller, had golden blonde hair that was growing out from a crew cut in a messy way with striking blue eyes. His skin was tanned from the sun which brought out the freckles that danced along his forearms and neck. He was well built and had quite an amazing facial structure, one that could only be compared to marble statues. His brows were full of anxiety and stress, which struck me as odd. On his torso was a purple shirt that spelled out SPQR, I thought the color didn't really suit him. Orange would compliment his eyes wonderfully.

That didn't really matter, the girls hands were strapped so tightly around his waist that I had to guess they were together. My left ankle began to ache like crazy all of a sudden. I rubbed at it aggressively as I watched their conversation play out.

Overall a group of attractive individuals.. were these perhaps demigods?

"You look different." The brown haired boy told the God. "Skinnier. Your hair is longer. And your shirt isn't so loud."

The wine god squinted up at him. "What in blazes are you talking about? Who are you, and where is Ceres?"

"Uh...what series?" His voice was a bit sassy, which I found funny.

"I think he means Ceres." The blonde one said. "The goddess of agriculture. You'd call her Demeter." He nodded respectfully to the god. "Lord Bacchus, do you remember me? I helped you with that missing leopard in Sonoma."

Bacchus scratched his stubbly chin. "Ah...yes. John Green."

"Jason Grace."

I chuckled. So I guess he just sucked at remembering names huh? Jason Grace was it?

"Whatever," The God roles his eyes. "Did Ceres send you, then?"

"No, Lord Bacchus." Jason said. "Were you expecting to meet her here?"

Ballad of Jason Grace ||Heroes of Olympus||Where stories live. Discover now