Chapter Thirty - Mine....Yours

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Vi got to see Riorson over the weekend. Usually I would just hang out with Rhiannon, Ridoc, and Sawyer but I've found myself distancing away from them as of late. Something about keeping secrets from them doesn't sit well with my soul. Even if I'm protecting them. So naturally keeping a distance was the only logical option.

Bodhi walks with me to the flight field, his arm brushing against mine. Even the slightest bit of touch sends a warmth spreading through my body like a wildfire.

Something changed a few weeks ago. The morning he confessed that I was his once and a lifetime.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. The way I feel comfortable with him, I've never felt this sort of calm with anyone. Bodhi has seen me at my worst...seen me destroy myself in grief. I've put him through things that are unfair and awful and yet he still looks at me like I'm the sun.

He's made me question everything I thought I knew. Like the way I thought Liam and I were supposed to love each other for the rest of our lives....but the sad reality is that I was just meant to love him for the rest of his life.

I'm grateful for Liam. He was my first true love. The first person to show me that I deserved to be loved....and he loved me infinitely.

"Trust your instincts, you're going to do amazing." Bodhi tells me his hand slipping in mine for a brief moment.

The stark reality that I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. It had felt like I was drowning for eternity but he reminded me how to breathe again.

I stop my pace my hand in his making him stop as he turns around looking at me with concern. "Bodhi...." I trail off. How do I even start to explain to him what he's done for me... or even put into words what he means to me...

I stand on my tiptoes my free hand resting at the nape of his neck as my lips lightly brush his. It's been weeks since we last kissed like this. His hands come to cup my face as the entire world around us felt like it had fallen away. I have never gotten so lost in a kiss before. The space between us exploding, my heart keeps missing beats like it is telling me I've been waiting for him...

This kiss feels like healing.

I reluctantly pull away watching the way the corner of his lips tilt into the most gorgeous smile, his eyes slowly fluttering open like he's not sure that really happened. I resume our walk down the steps reaching the wide expanse of the flight field. Another third year calls Bodhi over to them.

He meets my gaze kissing my forehead telling me I'm gonna kick ass today before walking towards his friends. I spot Sawyers tall frame laughing with someone as I make my way towards him. I squeal with a laughter when Ridoc comes up behind me surprising me as he picks me up over his shoulder spinning us around. I slap his back ordering him to put me down. He refuses carrying me around.

"Put her down." His voice booming as he grits his teeth.

"Oh come on buttercup. Were just having some fun...wouldn't kill you to loosen up a bit." Ridoc tries to tease but Bodhi's narrowed gaze fills with rage.

Ridoc relents setting me down as I see the way Bodhi's hands clutch into fists.

"Bodhi...." I trail off taking a step closer to him.

"Am I missing something?" Rhiannon chimes in as her and Violet come to stand next to Sawyer shrugging.

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you bud." Ridoc smirks crossing his arms over his chest.

Bodhi looks Ridoc up and down unimpressed. "Jealous of you...hilarious."

"Keep lying to yourself Durran but I know that look. I've been there." Ridoc tells him. I take a few more steps until I'm in front of Bodhi, my hand coming to rest on his muscular chest.

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