Chapter Twenty - Half of Forever

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"You can't spend your days in Mr. Sunshines bedroom, little bird." Ryuu tries to provoke me into venturing out of the cozy home I made in Bodhi's room. I roll my eyes at his nickname, he thinks he's comical. "I have three days before orientation. Which means I can stay comfy cozy in my little fortress until then." I state. "Your friends have been worried about you. They haven't seen you since you got back." He persuades but I'm not falling for it.

"Come on little bird. It would be good for you. Just one hour outside, that's all I ask." He begs taking me off guard. I throw the covers off me surprising Bodhi his gaze falling on mine.

"Ryuu finally convince you to leave my room?" He questions trying desperately to hide his smirk.

"One hour. That's all he's getting from me." I swing my legs over the side of his bed slipping my boots on quickly. One hour wasn't going to kill me....

Bodhi stands following me towards the door. I tilt my head to meet his golden brown stare. "What are you....." I trail off not able to finish my question. He gives me that quick grin.....the one that always seems to constantly curve his lips. Where Riorson was harsh and striking....Bodhi was soft and devastating.

"I haven't left my room unless I'm getting our would be nice to see the sun for more than a few minutes." He answers my half question.

"I'm not forcing you to stay with me."

"I know" He gives me another was almost insufferable.....even when he's sad he's always smiling.

"Mr. Sunshine." Ryuu comments before I shut him out.

We walk silently next to each other in the courtyard. I hate to admit how nice it feels to have the sun kissing my cheeks. I've been wrapped in Bodhi's blanket for days now only coming out to eat. I freeze for a moment in horror realizing I probably smell like ass, a small little sniff each time the wind picks up praying to the gods I don't actually stink. I probably look like garbage, my curls are ridiculously untamed as they sit in a messy knotted bun at the top of my head, bags under my eyes, and a body deprived of actual nutrients.

"You're birthday is coming up." He mentions trying to fill the silence between us.

"How did you know about my birthday?" I question him, my brows pinching together.

"Liam.....he was planning a surprise party for you...before..." His hand comes to rub the nape of his neck nervously. I know he's worried, bringing up Liam in all honesty is probably not the best idea.

"Tell me more....please." I beg him. The pain in my chest was overwhelming as I waited, Bodhi's expression changes from nervous to shocked.

"Um....he well....he asked Sorrengail and Matthias to help him get his room set up with a cake and everything. He told me he wanted to make it special, that you deserved to be celebrated."

I wipe the tears already falling steadily.....I make my way to a tree pulling Bodhi down with me. He leans against it his head tilting up to enjoy the bits of sun peaking through the leaves. "Tell me stories about him....."I ask.

He takes a moment to collect his thoughts before his voice fills the space between us. "Your first day on mat's, when you went against Maeve from tail section...." he starts off tensing for a moment when my head comes to rest on his arm.

"He was completely mesmerized by you. Couldn't stop talking about how incredibly fast you were, how you fought with your strengthens which he found sexy." He pauses when a small chuckle leaves my lips. He tilts his head down looking at me, his eyes roaming my face, the corners of his lips twitching into a smile.

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