Chapter Sixteen - Liam Mairi

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Ryuu screams, the grief consuming him as he cries out for Deigh. Every second felt like we were wading in sticky mud. Weighing us down as Ryuu tries to rush me towards Liam. "You only have minutes" Ryuu warns. My chest feels like it's splitting like this.

Tairn lies down completely, flattening his massive frame as much as possible as Violet unstraps from him. She wraps her arms around Liam's bulky frame as they slide down Tairn's side hitting their feet on the rocky hillside. Deigh is only a couple dozen feet away....She was going to try and bring him to his body.

My heart lurches as I watch the way my beautifully strong boyfriend stumbles forward tripping. I jump off Ryuu before he even has a chance to land. Pain radiates through my legs the moment I hit solid ground but I don't stop as I run for him.

Violet can't hold his weight as they both fall to their knees. I try to hold in my sobs as I reach him. My arms coming out to engulf him....his body trembling underneath me. He was so weak as he falls into me. My heart feels like it's in a vice grip. Every emotion screaming inside of me.

"Mockingbird..." he smiles. Those beauitful sky blue eyes gazing back on me.

"We're gonna make'll see. Before you know it were going to be cuddled up in my bed...together...just like you said..." I tell him as my vision goes blurry with tears. His hand comes up to caress my face. His once warm hand now going cold.

He's struggling to breathe. "I'm sorry....I promised you forever."

I shake my head as the tears roll down my cheeks. "Look at me Liam will not die on fight to stay with me. You can't leave me not like this....not alone...."

"Wren...." he says trying to take in a breath. " promised me that means forever....." a sob escapes my lips. "I can't do this without you....I can't....please don't make me."

His thumb strokes my cheek wiping the tears away. "You can and you will. You are stronger than anyone I incredibly powerful and they need you...okay..." he pauses taking a ragged breath. "I don't think you will ever understand how you changed everything for lucky I was to walk the same lifetime with be loved by you..."

My body shakes uncontrollably with unshed sobs. My hands caressing his face as I lean down to kiss his lips once more...terrified knowing this will be my last moments.

"I need you to take care of Sloane....understand. I need you to look out for her." I shake my head. "Promise me mockingbird...." He begs me. I nod my head my voice cracking when I tell him I will.

"I love you Wren Blackwell in this life and the next." He forces a weak smile, those perfect dimples make a faint appearance before his expression falters.

He looks to Violet. "I know you feel betrayed, but Xaden needs you. And I don't just mean alive, Violet. He needs you. Please hear him out."

"All right" she nods forcing a watery smile. "One last favor..." he rasps. "Anything" she mumbles. "Take care of my girl will you? I need to know that someone will watch over her...make sure she's not too reckless and to remind her how much I love her." Violet quickly wipes the tears away nodding "I promise" a look of relief washes over him.

"Thank you, Liam. Thank you for being my shadow. Thank you for being my friend." She tells him. They blur in my vision as the tears come faster. "It's been. My honor." His chest rattles as his lungs struggle.

I lean down kissing his lips...the corner of his mouth tilt into a smile. "Please don't leave me" I beg once more. My body wracked with sobs. "I love you...." He gasps for air. The rising and falling of his chest short and shallow.

Only For A Moment // Fourth Wing x OCWhere stories live. Discover now