Chapter Six - Evil Rage

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"Is it possible that my signet not only mimics other signets but also emotions?" I ask Ryuu taking my spot in formation. "I don't have the answers you seek, little bird." He tells me as I let out a sigh. "I swear I felt Ridoc's emotions today. Jealousy mixed with sadness. Could feel his power humming just under the surface." Violet and Rhi take their spots in front of me, my body already tingling at the thought of seeing Liam.

On cue he takes his spot next to me flashing me the most dazzling smile he could muster. His dimple popping fully as my stomach flutters. "I will consult with the elders." Ryuu says before our bond goes quiet.

No flight field today, the weather was too cold which means we are headed to the sparring gym after formation. I walk next to Vi my whole body humming, my heart pounds a chaotic, nauseating rhythm. My feelings weren't my own....this wasn't me, wasn't my panic.

I take my hand in Violets, her eyes snapping to mine. "It's going to be okay." I reassure her. "How do you know?" she asks "I have to have faith that it's all going to work out. and if it doesn't I will kill a bitch for you." I give her a little shoulder bump as she lets out a small chuckle. I release her hand as I take a step back to walk in pace with Liam. His hand finding mine as I felt my body relax.

Professor Emetterio calls out the challenges one by one, assigning them to a mat. I hold my breath waiting, the nerves hitting me with a force. "Mat seventeen, Jack Barlowe from First Wing versus...." His eyebrows raise as he takes a deep breath. "Violet Sorrengail." My body tenses as I look at Liam. "Whatever happens don't try and stop me." He looks at me just as shocked before concern flashes in his eyes once my words settle into him. He goes to speak before Violet rolls her shoulders "Let's do this."

Liam, Ridoc and myself have not been called to the mat today as we walk side by side with Violet to mat seventeen. "Tell me I can break the promise." Liam begs her. The pleading look in his eyes tugging at my heart. "The third years are off doing third year things" She tells him. "You can't get him here in time, but I know what it means to you to keep your word. Especially with him. Go ahead."

He looks to me then Ridoc. "Guard Violet like you're me and make sure my girlfriend doesn't do something that will put her in danger."

"You mean like I'm six inches taller, built like a bull, and get to kiss her anytime I want?" Ridoc gives him a thumbs up. "Sure. I'll do my best. In the meantime, you'd better run."

Liam cups my cheeks "Please don't be least not until I get back." He begs kissing me quickly before looking over to Vi. "Stay alive"

"Working on it, and not just for my sake." She gives him a smile. "Thanks for being a great shadow."

Liam sprints for the door as my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach at her words. "Don't you dare fucking die Violet Sorrengail. I'll never forgive you if you do." Her eyes find mine as she nods in understanding.

"Barlowe and Sorrengail" Emmetterio calls from the opposite side of the mat. "Weapons?"

Ridoc comes to hold me as my entire body was practically shaking with nerves or adrenaline...maybe both. "I know Liam said not to let you do anything reckless and I have no idea what the fuck your signet is but if this turns bad you unleash whatever hell you have." I look up at Ridoc those chocolate eyes staring into mine. "I know you got something powerful inside of you Wren, otherwise it wouldn't be're too amazing to not have some badass power." He looks back at the mat as they begin to circle each other. His hands rubbing up and down my arms in comfort. "We all know Barlowe won't fight fair and I'm not about to watch one of our friends die."

I turn my attention away from Ridoc and back to the mat watching Jack lunge striking out with his knife but Violet was quicker she slices her dagger across the back of his hand, drawing first blood.

Only For A Moment // Fourth Wing x OCWhere stories live. Discover now