Chapter Five - All Five Foot Nothing

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Liam's POV

"This one....she's different" Deigh says. "I know she is." I answer back as I continue widdling Ryuu for Wren. She was sitting with the girls laughing about something they were gossiping about. I gave them a few feet of room to "girl talk" knowing they need it but knowing Xaden would have my ass if I left my duties again like I did in battle briefs. The day I almost spilled my guts out to Wren and told her everything. Told her about the very thing Navarre is hiding...told her about the marked ones supplying shipments to the gryphon fliers to help fight against the venin. I almost told her everything but Deigh reminded me of the cost....of the danger she would be in if she knew.

"I know the guilt you feel not telling her. She is different but is she different enough to carry this carry this secret that could undo everything your Wingleader has worked for?" Deigh reasons.

"She different than the rest. She's unfiltered and guarded. So unbelievably unafraid to put herself out there. To protect what's right even if it stands against others ideals. She's different because she is kind. Kinder than anyone I've ever met before. Unique and authentic. Confident and yet vulnerable. She's passionate, spontaneous and stubborn as fuck. She is stronger than anyone gives her credit for. If this secret begins to pull us apart I'm telling her. Gods be damned." Deigh doesn't say more. It's his silent way of letting me know he understands and agrees.

Later that day I keep my eyes between Violet and Rhi sparring on one mat and Wren and Ridoc sparring on another. Rhi swings her bow staff as Violet narrowly escapes the strike with a backbend. My eyes dart towards Wren when I hear Ridoc let out a howl. He's on his knees while Wren stands behind him, his arm bent back giving enough tension that looked painful. She was holding back slightly not wanting to hurt her friend but not enough to let him get out of the hold. "Kinky" Ridoc teases his voice laced with pain. I feel a rush of anger fill my chest at his comment. I keep my eyes on Wren as she flips Ridoc on his back her body swiftly moving to put her knee in his chest as one of her daggers hovers over his throat. "Tap out Ridoc" She smirks knowing she has him. He taps on the mat signaling that he quits.

Was it weird to be proud of someone you met months ago? It's not like I taught her how to fight. She was already exceptionally good at fighting. Her brother Soren taught her everything she knew. Taught her the right fighting style for her body. She was fast almost too fast. She found weakness within seconds of a fight. Using them to take down her opponents. I remember watching her during our first challenge, going against someone from my old section. Her impressive speed and intellect when taking down an opponent had me impressed. When I moved to Flame section I had to calm my nerves when I realized I was standing next to her. I've been impressed by others before but she felt different. She has always felt different.

I turn my attention back to Violet and Rhiannon as they continue to spare. Violet was clearly holding back while Rhi tries to convince her to take out some of her anger on the mat with her. They continue to clash staffs as Violet goes on about her anger with Xaden. He's always had a way of pissing others off, it was almost a gift. "You would be furious if someone took your freedom away. If you had Liam at your door every morning until every night, even as seemingly great as he is." She says dodging an attack as I give her a wide smile. "I appreciate that" butting in to prove her point which earns me a slight glare.

Wren makes her way towards us taking the spot next to me her legs brushing against mine. "You're incredible you know that?" I lean in to kiss her cheek as a huge grin splits her face. "You two are disgusting." Ridoc mocks like he's about to vomit. Wren rolls her eyes at him "Awe jealousy isn't cute on you Ridoc." She teases him as he shuts his mouth quickly before turning around to scan the room.

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