Chapter One - Little Bird

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There are so many things in my life that I wasn't expecting. The biggest one was making it through the parapet...none of this was my choice. My brother's both went to Basgiath War College, Riders Quadrant and are now highly respected lieutenants. It was expected of me to follow in their footsteps. Footsteps that have become a heavy burden. I've been terrified since the moment I walked up those excruciating long steps. Each day that I survive is just another moment of crippling anxiety I have to push down. I don't think I would have made it this far if it weren't for my friends. We've created a small family here....a family that is just trying to survive their first year. Gods I can't even think about what second year will bring us.

We stand in formation, Captain Fitzgibbons finishes reading the death roll. Something I don't think I'll ever get use to. I try to focus on the announcements for the day but I can't help notice the not so subtle stares Violet is getting. I glare at one of the girls with short deep purple hair as she gawks at her bruises. The audacity some people have.

My gaze quickly darts towards the conversation taking place in front of us. "Aetos, Vaughn Penley will be leaving your command, and you'll be gaining Liam Mairi from Tail Section." Riorson tells Dain. We all watch as the boys exchange places, Liam coming to stand right next to me as my heart beat picks up. He was quite literally the most gorgeous man to exist. He towered over me in height, massively built. Every muscle in his body was chiseled and toned. Light blond hair, prominent nose and the most beauitful sky blue eyes I've ever seen. I let my eyes wander on his rebellion relic that starts from his wrist and disappears under his tunic, wondering where it ends on his body.

Violet snaps at Riorson as I try to hide my smile. She was bold to speak to him that way, I guess that's what happens when one of your bonded dragons is mated to his. He ignores her as he continues to talk to Dain. "Liam is statistically the strongest first year in the quadrant. He has the fastest time up the Gauntlet, hasn't lost a single challenge, and is bonded to an exceptionally strong Red Daggertail. Any squad would be lucky to have him, and he's all yours, Aetos. You can thank me when you win the Squad Battle in the spring." My eyes sneak a peek at the handsome blonde next to me. Those sky blue eyes catch me starring, the corner of his lips turning into a grin. I felt the blush spread on my cheeks in utter embarrassment as I look away. "Might want to wipe the drool from your lips, little bird." Ryuu tells me through our bond. Add this to my growing list of things I'll never get use to, my dragon in my head hearing my thoughts. My cheeks redden even more.

I roll my eyes when Vi had to shout at Dain to stop staring at her neck once he finally noticed. Pancek takes over as he talks about breached codex. I honestly stopped listening at this point as Rhiannon looks between Violet and I. "Someone's in trouble...think Ridoc finally got caught in Tyvon Varen's bed?" She whispers as I stifle a snort. I can feel Liam's eyes on me as I take another peak. His gaze darting quickly away as a slow smile spreads across my lips. Glad to know I'm not the only one staring.

"That's hardly against the codex" Ridoc retorts from the other side of me. "He's the executive officer for Second Wing" Vi says giving him a pointed look over her shoulder. "And?" he questions with his signature smirk. "Fraternizing with command is frowned upon, not unlawful." He states as I chose to ignore him.

"I miss having sex" I sigh before realizing my inner thoughts made their way out of my mouth. Liam cocks an eyebrow but doesn't look towards me. I'm pretty sure I'm going to die of mortification when this formation is over. "If you're looking for a little fun Wren, I'm happy to oblige." Ridoc winks as he moves his fingers through his floppy brown hair.

"I'm sorry Ridoc you clearly mistake what I said....I miss good sex" I tease. Liam lets out a low laugh, my heart skipping a beat at the sound.

I swear formation takes years off my life as we stand around waiting. Dain gets tired of our back and forth banter telling us to shut the hell up. "Very Squad Leader of him" Ryuu teases as I smile "Not everyone can be perfect" I fire back at him. "You mean not everyone can be perfect like the marked boy standing next to you." he chortles. "If I would have known you were going to be a sassy dragon I would have chosen another" I tell him through our mental bond. I didn't have to have this link connecting us to know that he was huffing at my comment. "Funny you think you had a choice in the matter, little bird." I didn't say any more because he was right. I had no choice in the matter just like I had no choice the day I crossed the parapet.

Riorson makes his way up to the dais as he begins to talk about the attack on Violet last night by several unbondeds. There were too many glances coming her way as I tried to glare at all of them. Two riders Garrick and Bodhi leave formation to come stand behind him as he continues to explain that he killed the unbondeds and the two riders behind him were witnesses.

One of the newer additions to our squad pipes up "Both Tyrs. How convenient" she whispers right behind me. My head snaps back towards her "What a bitch. How convenient." I say sending her a withering glare. Her mouth drops open in shock as I face forward again. Liam holds an approving gaze on me, a shiver going down my spine.

Chaos breaks out when Riorson accuses another Wingerlead Amber for being the person responsible for orchestrating the attack on Violet. Rhiannon holds Vi's hand in support as my hand comes to rest on her shoulder letting her know that we have her back no matter what. Even if Dain is being a pompous ass hat right now.

"She's a Tyr too, Nadine" Ridoc states as I turn to look back over my shoulder to face her once more. "Or are you only bias against marked ones." I snap as the girl rolls her eyes and looks away from the both of us. Ridoc gives me a proud smile as we turn our attention back to the dais.

Dain and Violet get into a heated argument. As always he finds a way to not believe her, how she stays friends with him is beyond me. I struggle to watch Dain come closer to Vi his hands outstretched towards her. He orders her to give him the memory catching me off guard. Everything about this moment doesn't sit right with me as I try to calm my racing pulse. My signet allows me to mimic others signets by absorbing their power but part of me wonders if I'm also absorbing emotions because right now it felt like I was overwhelmed with disbelief, shock, anxiety and heartbreak.

Everyone turns to watch the ridgeline as six dragons fly straight for us. I spot Violet's dragon right away, it's kind of hard not to recognize Tairn. My curly hair blast around wildly at their wing beats. They land one by one on their perch carefully watching. All of the wingleader's dragons including Commandant Panchek's sit on the perch menacingly as we all wait with baited breath. "Shit's about to get real" Sawyer says breaking formation to stand next to Violet. Ridoc and I both move closer behind her in a protective circle.

A memory floods my mind, it wasn't my own as I quickly realize it was Violets. She was surrounded in her dark room, four unbonded men and three unbonded women. Clear as day, I recognized Amber she quickly turns and runs for the door. Not that I ever thought Vi was lying but seeing it....I couldn't shake the feeling of terror. "I'm going to kill her" I seeth as Ridoc squeezes my shoulder in comfort.

We watch in silences as the wingleader's come to an agreement. The formation splits at the center, the pit of my stomach dipping as I watch the pain in Claidh's features. Tarin lowers his massive head curling his tongue before incinerating her with a blast of fire. A window shattering scream comes from Amber's dragon. I can feel the tears pricking the back of my eyes as I watch Claidh mourn.

I step back covering my ears bumping into a sturdy body. I tear my gaze away from Claidh my tear filled eyes looking up to see beauitful sky blue eyes watching me with curiosity. He leans down until his lips are hovering by my ear, I drop my hand to hear him. "Don't let them see you cry. Wait till you're alone." His voice was unusually tender. I shake my head but I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

He grabs my wrist gently pulling me from formation as he heads for an alcove hiding me from view. "You're crying for a girl that almost killed your best friend?" He questions tilting his head to one side like he was studying me. My brows pinch "No....of course not.'s the way Claidh looked...the pain she must be feeling. I couldn't imagine....." My voice was barely above a whisper as I try to explain it to him. He silently watches me regain my composure as I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Thank you...for pulling me away. You didn't have to." I tell him. "Yes I did." he says without hesitation. I look at him confused as his blue eyes continue to scan every feature on my face. "What you said in formation. To Nadine. You didn't have to say anything to her but you did." he clarifies "I don't like bullies especially bigots." those gorgeous blue hues twinkling at my words.

The sounds of footsteps coming closer snap us out of whatever this was as he takes a step back. "Liam Mairi" He formally introduces himself to me, my lips twitching in a smile as I take his outstretched hand in mine. A jolt shoots it's way up my arm surprising me "Wren Blackwell" I say as his grin widens revealing a dimple. Gods he was was I supposed to get through the rest of first year with him close to us. After all he was Violet's new "shadow" as she puts it. Which means I was going to see a lot more of him. "Stop acting like you aren't excited." Ryuu snaps through the bond. "You're really starting to annoy me."

Only For A Moment // Fourth Wing x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant