Chapter Twenty Five - Mine....Only Mine

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Monday snuck up on me as I stand watching the first round of challenges be called out. Rhi and Violet are busy talking but I'm too overwhelmed with nausea to focus on anything. All I can think about is Sloan beating her opponent....there is no other option. The stress was getting to me, one of my arms was laying across my midsection while I bite at my fingernails on my other hand.

Ridoc slides up next to me, his arm finding it's spot draped around my shoulders. "So clearly Nolon isn't doing his best work. Guy needs a month off." He chimes in.

My eyebrows pinched together confused...why are they talking about Nolon. My eyes widen slightly watching Alaric deliver a punch to his opponent's jaw that makes the guy's head snap back.

"I give that a seven," Ridoc heckles from the sidelines. "Easily a eight point five." I add.

"Out of ten? I'm with Wren, solid eight." Sawyer counters from the other side of Rhiannon. I didn't even realize he had come to stand with us. "Perfect form." Then he lowers his voice and adds just for the five of us, "And I'm still going with the torture theory. I bet they've got gryphon riders in there or something."

I'm back to zoning out as I watch Aaric elbow his opponent in the throat with a quick jab. He's good....really good actually.

"That's a fucking nine," Sawyer calls out. "Nine!" Ridoc agrees, throwing up his hands with all of his fingers spread out except a thumb. A small laugh escapes my lips before Aaric breaks his opponent's nose with the heel of his hand, ending the match. Emetterio declares him the winner, and the first year has the decency to make it off the mat before dropping his hand away from his gushing nose. That's a lot of blood.

Sawyer and Ridoc break out in applause, both shouting scores.

"Gods, can that one fight." Rhi nods slowly in approval as Aaric takes his place in the squad.

"Should I be worried that I found that incredibly hot?" I question. Everyone's attention whips towards my direction. Ridoc and Sawyer's mouth hang open, Vi and Rhiannon both chuckle, while the corner of Aaric's mouth tilts into a small smirk.

"Can't say I'm surprised you were dating the best fighter of our year." Rhi points out and for the first time I didn't feel imessurable pain at the mention of him. Instead I smile thinking about him.

Challenges around us come to an end, and the professors call out the next batch.

"Sloane Mairi and Dasha Fabrren," Emetterio calls out. Panic starts rising in my chest.

"I'm the worst person to be in charge of protecting someone.....I've done such a shitty job helping her. Oh my god, I think I'm going to throw up." I say through the connection.

"Breathe Wren. She will be okay. She's a Mairi." Bodhi's voice fills my mind in a caress.

"Bodhi, I'm serious. I've failed her....failed Liam."

"And I'm serious Wren. You didn't fail anyone, she is going to be okay. I promise." He reassures me. I look up meeting his gaze from across the room. The panic ebbs slightly.

Dasha joins Sloane on the mat, her shiny black hair braided in a single line from the tip of her forehead to the nape of her neck. She's petite and still has the pallor of a first year who hasn't seen enough sun, but she's nothing close to the shade of green Sloane is turning.

For fucks sake.

Imogen and Quinn make their closer to us remarking on their nerves about this fight too.

Both girls nod, each taking a fighting stance, they circle each other on the mat and watching Dasha deliver the first blow, a punch straight to Sloane's cheek, splitting it open. My eyes snap to Bodhi's for a moment, he sees the panic filling them as he slowly strides closer to our mat.

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