Chapter Three - Death, Disfigurement, Lethal Toxin

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I woke up the next day to a package outside my door, I don't know if it says a lot about myself or this place I'll be spending (If I'm lucky) the next three years. But I was hesitant to open it. I bend down to grab it looking up and down the empty hall before backing into my room and setting it down on my desk. I pace back and forth for a good twenty minutes debating on opening it.  "What's the worst that could happen little bird?" Ryuu questions down the bond. "Death, disfigurement, lethal toxin...honestly the possibilities are endless." I answer him as he chaffs "You are a strange girl" he says one moment before our bond goes quiet. Clearly he was done with our conversation.

I slowly unwrap the brown kraft paper. A nice leather-bound sketchbook and pencil set for sketching laid before me. A cream note with my name scribbled on the front was tucked in one of the pages of the sketchbook. I open it and begin to read.


You told me once that you use to draw before, I thought maybe you could pick the hobby back up and selfishly this is my way of apologizing. I know that I can be a shameless flirt and I've never thought much beyond tomorrow. Dating has always seemed like a waste of time to me and frankly the idea of being in a long term committed relationship as a marked one, especially in the riders quadrant seemed ridiculous. Then I got assigned to protect Sorrengail who just so happened to have a gorgeous wild haired friend who was fiercely protective, loyal, funny, terrifyingly strong and kind. The kind of kindness that a lot of people lack here. I like you Wren, more than just a shameless flirt. I hope that you can be patient with me while I learn how to be a one person kind of guy.


My heart was beating rapidly as I reread the note several times. I like you Wren. It was beyond my comprehension that this beauitful man liked me. "You are far more remarkable than you realize, little bird." Ryuu states as I roll my eyes. "Blame it on childhood trauma. Parents who only wanted boys because girls were weaker in their eyes. Trust me Ryuu I've heard enough degrading comments to last more than a lifetime." I answer while I add my new sketchbook and pencil set in my satchel before heading off to meet my friends.
My heart racing wildly knowing I'll get to see him.

"I will kill them all." Ryuu grumbles protectively "No. At the end of the day they are still my family." I sigh.

Kindness is weakness or at least that was what my father crammed down my throat the first time I came home with a sick squirrel that fell from a tree. The next time he caught me bringing out milk to a wandering cat I got more than just a talk. I learned to hide things I did that were less than favorable to them, which was pretty much everything including my existence.

One of my brothers, Soren...he was the only one I could confined in, the only one that cared about me. He hid kindness in him like it was his damned job. Anyone else would think he was a cutthroat rider but in reality he was the guy that helped his fellow riders when they struggled with the gauntlet or training on the mat after hours. He was a brilliant wingleader and now a lieutenant that earned unwavering loyalty. Soren is the only reason I survived at home, when he left for Basgiath it was living, breathing hell. 

I make my way towards my friends as they all stand waiting. I was clearly late thanks to my morning surprise, not that I'm complaining. "Finally our little birdie rises" Ridoc jokes as I roll my eyes punching him playfully on the arm when I get closer. We all start to walk for Battle Briefs, Liam finds his way next to me as my eyes gaze up to those sky blue hues. It should be illegal to look as good as him. "Did you get the package I left outside your door?" He questions. I open my satchel to show them mixed in with my notes and books. "It was very thoughtful of you...thank you." I smile shyly as the words in his note float through my mind. We walk side by side our arms brushing a few times as we make it into battle briefs.

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