13. The Silver Dagger

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Ruelle finds me just as I'm about to leave my quarters to visit Alec and put an end to his suffering. 

"Elara," she greets me cheerfully, extending her arms. For a moment I hesitate — the silver dagger is still in my hand but she hasn't noticed it yet. I discreetly slide it up my sleeve and wrap the other arm around her. "I'm sorry for my brother's behavior."

She's now changed into a sheer beige gown held at the shoulders with pins shaped in the form of werewolves. I don't know what metal it is, but it looks like silver. 

"Has he always been like that?" I ask her as she guides me back into the quarters. 

"I'm sure he was dropped on his head as a baby. Or a mage cursed him to always only say stupid shit. But he's always been charming I suppose, considering the number of woman that practically fall on his feet. He won his first battle against a rebel pack in Tassel at fourteen after all," she answers, shrugging. 

Her blue eyes twinkle in the scant light that lights the chamber. "You must be feeling lonely here," she continues, her voice turning soft. "Away from your pack and your family."

"The only person I miss is my father. My stepmother is a bitch. Has always been one to me. But my stepsister... her bitchy side was a new revelation," I express, putting the weight off my chest.

Ruelle gasps. "Wow, that's brutally honest," she whispers, before slowly sinking into a deewan. She leans her head on its armrest, her eyes staring at the domed ceiling, likely still absorbing my words. A second passes and then she bursts out into giggles. "I knew you were just like me. And no, this wasn't me acting. I was genuinely surprised." 

"I just needed to say it out loud," I tell her sincerely. But why has she settled on the deewan? The sky outside is a cool shade of dark blue, almost grey and I can see bats flutter pasts. It's late in the night, late enough for her to prepare to sleep but here she is. An unwelcome obstacle in my plan.

"You can tell me anything, Elara. I'm never going to judge you. Especially if its something my brother pulled off. I'll kick his ass if he hurts you," she assures me, smiling at me from the distance between us.

I smile, despite feeling the restlessness rising in my throat.

"Sit down now. I want to talk to you," Ruelle urges me and it looks like she's not going to take no for an answer.

I clear my throat before saying, "I couldn't get much sleep last night. I'm feeling exhaust—"

"Princess, the queen mother is asking for you," Beatrice's voice cuts me off. She curtsies low before apologising, "I'm sorry for interrupting the conversation."

Ruelle gets to her feet in an instant, a look of alarm crossing her face. "This late in the night? Is she alright?"

Beatrice swallows hard and when she answers she's stammering, "I-I don't know, Princess. She just asked to see you."

"Oh, I hope it's not another nightmare," Ruelle mumbles, placing her hand on her chest, her voice coming out breathy. She turns to me and says, "I'll be back, Elara. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about."

I nod at her, mustering an understanding smile before she disappears out the door. When I look at Beatrice, her face tells me that the queen mother definitely did not ask for Ruelle. I whisper a 'thank you' to her before scurrying out of the room.

I try not to look suspicious as I recall where exactly I'll find the staircase that leads to Magnus' personal prison. 

I stumble along the way and get lost several times, mislead by similar looking long doors and confusing hallways. The few betas that stand guarding the doors don't care enough to ask me where I'm going or if I'm lost. Maybe I don't look like someone that could cause trouble. But here I am on my way to murder my rogue mate.

I've almost given up when the door seems to magically materialise in front of me. I inhale a shaky breath, not feeling sure anymore. But when I touch the dagger again, I remind myself that Alec would've wanted this. He wouldn't want to live as a rogue. Not for a single minute. 

Now's the chance.

So, I saunter down the stone stairs. Pieces from the edges break off it, tumbling down until they settle at another end. I'm running too fast and I understand I have to slow down. But I don't.

I don't slow down until Alec's cell is in my view. I wonder if he has even moved since morning. He's just as I last saw him --- his head tucked between his folded knees. The food from the plate untouched.

A scream echoes from the far end of the cell and I hear another whip go off in the air. How can they even remain conscious after loosing so much blood? What sins did they even commit for suffering such a brutal punishment?

I pull out the dagger from my sleeve and clutch it tightly. I know I have to get through this quickly. I haven't thought of the consequences of me doing this, but I have a rough idea that they aren't going to be good. It doesn't matter though. Nothing matters anymore.

I want to call him out one last time to see his face. See the man I've loved for years. Just hear him speak one last time even if its hateful words.

None of it will be Alec though. He's gone. Long gone to place where I can't pull him out of. So, I say nothing before I raise the dagger in the ready, ready to put it through his neck.

But as I put my hand down with all force, I no longer feel the dagger in my fist. I gasp before turning around.

Morgana looks down at me, her lips curved into a sinister smile. The silver dagger I carried moments ago is now wedged between her fingers. Her eyes dart from me to the figure of Alec. Her lips part, and with a smirk, she launches a question my way, "Attempting to end your lover's suffering, darling?"

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