3. The Rude Prince

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As I stand there, my hand still pressed against Magnus's lips, I feel a lot of things. Confusion, astonishment, and yes, even a hint of attraction to the man who just went through an incredible transformation. I can't help but be mesmerized by his newfound beauty, but my initial anger and betrayal still linger beneath the surface.

I feel mocked. And humiliated.

But no one's laughing at me.

I spot Alina among the crowd and her jaw is practically on the floor. She looks furious and beside her Celeste seems to be grinding her teeth. I see Alina say something to Celeste as she stomps her feet like a stubborn child. Although only for a moment, I feel satisfied. I feel good. I want to laugh at them despite being the one who was tricked. Their evil plan has backfired.

The girl I treated with love all my life betrayed me just so she won't have to marry an ugly man. But Magnus is anything but ugly. At least on the outside. I can't ignore the bad things I've heard that he's done.

My father and Alpha Zander besides him appear too shocked to give a reaction.

The crowd begins to murmur and chatter amongst themselves. I hear whispers and gasps of disbelief, but the loudest sound in my ears is the pounding of my own heart. Alec, still by my side, wears a look of concern, his eyes never leaving Magnus.

Magnus's golden eyes remain fixed on mine as he straightens himself and steps back, releasing my hand. His smile is charming, and he seems to be enjoying the reactions of the onlookers. It's as though he's reveling in the shock he's caused.

Alec, standing beside me, still appears disturbed. He's ready to act, to shield me from any potential harm, but with the wedding ceremony in full swing, there's little he can do to change the course of events. The mate bond may have been severed, but our connection persists, an unbreakable thread between us.

"What just happened?" I finally manage to ask, my voice trembling.

Magnus's gaze doesn't waver. "Magic, my dear. Powerful magic," he replies cryptically. "But let's not dwell on that. We have a wedding to celebrate, do we not?"

Before I can respond or make sense of his answer, a minister approaches us, his astonishment clear in his wide-eyed stare. "That was quite a show, Prince. The King will not appreciate this," he says, his voice fraught with concern for the consequences.

Magnus fixes the young minister with an intimidating look, causing the man to involuntarily take a step back in fear. "The King can kiss my ass," he retorts, his tone low and defiant, echoing the undercurrent of rebellion in the air.

The minister's eyes swiftly shift to my face, his face etched with alarm. However, he quickly recovers, offering a hurried bow before retreating from our presence.

As the tension in the room escalates, Alpha Zander, the imposing leader of our pack, rises from his seat and strides purposefully toward us. His smile, though forced, does little to mask the visible signs of tension on his face. It's a facade, and even from a distance, I can see the subtle twitching of his mouth, betraying his true emotions.

A heavy hush blankets the assembled crowd, and an unease settles over me like a dark cloud. I feel very, very sick as if the ground beneath my feet could give way at any moment, making me fall into a neverending pithole.

"Prince Magnus," Alpha Zander addresses him sternly, his voice laced with thinly veiled displeasure.

Magnus responds with a sly smirk, an air of audacity about him that hangs in the air like a charged current. "Alpha Zander," he acknowledges with an almost mocking tone, "The King sends his regards."

The exchange between the two powerful figures in my life sends shivers down my spine, and I find myself holding my breath.

Alpha Zander, despite feeling rage chooses to restrain himself. "There is much to discuss," he states in a measured tone, "but this is not the time or place."

Magnus releases a sigh, his head shaking dismissively. "We will talk, Alpha Zander, if I can find both the time and the interest to engage in yet another conversation with you."

The blatant display of disrespect exhibited by Magnus takes me aback, and I gasp in response. It's a boldness that surprises me, given the gravity of the situation. "He deserves it," Lila's voice resonates within me.

I can sense the anger rising in Zander but he just snarls. He has no other choice. His eyes scream bloody murder, but there's nothing he can do. Magnus is a guest here in our territory and it is a sin in the eyes of the Goddess to spill the blood of any welcomed werewolf.

The Alpha, his patience tested to the limit, proceeds to offer us the final blessing in the name of Goddess Selene, and Magnus leans in to kiss my lips gently. This time, there are no transformations or surprises, just the soft press of his mouth against mine. It's a simple kiss, but it sends shivers down my spine.

The crowd erupts in applause, and I feel a mixture of relief and uncertainty. My life has taken an unexpected turn, and I'm not sure what lies ahead.

As we turn to face the cheering crowd, I can't help but wonder what kind of man my husband truly is. His hand is holding mine firmly and I can't bear the courage to face him. What magic had he used to conceal his appearance, and why had he chosen to reveal it now, on our wedding day? Why did he behave the way he did with Alpha Zander? There are so many unanswered questions, and I can only hope that in time, I will uncover the truth about the wicked Prince Magnus Blackwell.

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