11. The Dead Sister

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"Please, don't eat that," I manage to choke out, my stomach turning in revolt as my gaze shifts from the plate to Alec's frail form. "I'm so sorry," I murmur, my remorse evident though none of this is my doing.

A surge of anger courses through me, directed at Alina. Every fiber of my being despises her. I clench my teeth, restraining curses. She orchestrated this, fully aware of the consequences. If only Alec had still been in Mistral Hollow, none of this tragedy would unfold. But she manipulated Alpha Zander into assigning him as my personal guard.

Not only am I being punished for never doing anything wrong, so is Alec.

He still keeps his head bowed between folded knees. I cautiously approach, avoiding the cold touch of silver bars, and notice eerie black swirls on his bare back It's not something I've seen before on him and I've seen him more naked than this several times.

"What is that?" I ask out loud without intending to do so.

"Oh, here you are," a voice interrupts my thoughts. A very feminine one. "I've been looking everywhere for you, my Prince."

I turn around to see a woman with lucious black hair leaning lazily against the stonewall of the prison. Her eyes are the strangest shade of red, almost as if she's not alive. But her facial features are sharp enough to intoxicate anyone.
She's wearing a sleek emerald gown, one that hugs onto every curve of her body, enunciating them — and a neckline that you can't help but stare at, open and seductive.

Magnus replies, his voice lazy and lacking any enthusiasm, "I don't think you need to look everywhere to find me, Morgana."

She smiles, her eyes fluttering and then announces, "I have found something. I'm sure you'll be very interested in knowing it."

Magnus nods slowly, a flash of curiosity crossing his eyes. "In my chamber," he tells her. Then he turns to me, and snaps, "You've seen him now. That's enough."

The sudden change in his tone unnerves me. I'm jolted out of my muddled brain back to this harsh reality.

Alec is rogue. He's imprisoned. And I'm married to the man that has locked him inside. I can get him out. But to what accord?

He's lost forever. There's no cure for rogueness. But there's always a cause.

Magnus is already on his way to the dilapidated staircase when I blurt out, "Wait, Magnus."

My voice is only a whisper I realise, frail and pathetic. But my husband still hears me and he's facing me once again, his eyebrow raised in question.

Uncertain steps carry me closer. Ignoring the scrutinizing gaze of the scarlet-eyed Morgana, I muster courage. "I need to know how this happened. How did he become a rogue?"

Magnus hesitates, golden eyes conflicted. Finally, he glances briefly at Morgana before admitting, "Hydralith bite," and resumes his path.

Morgana regards me cryptically before she follows him, whispering, "Welcome to Caelondor, darling."


'You're responsible for this. Alec lost his soul trying to protect you,' Lila's voice echoes in my mind, a haunting reminder that refuses to fade.

I shake off the echoes, unsure if Lila is truly speaking or if it's a hallucination induced by guilt. She hasn't communicated with me in what feels like ages. If she were here, I'm sure she'd blame me for Alec's state, a consequence of my choices.

Barely registering the maid's words, I find myself lost in my thoughts. "Is this good enough, Your Highness?" Beatrice inquires, pouring hot water into the opal tub.

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