2. Golden-Eyed Deception

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Outside my chambers, I can hear the loud beating of drums and the occasional whistle of a flute. I've seen over half a dozen human bards and female dryads that have been invited over to entertain the royal company.

When I scurry over to take a look from the window, I can see what seems like half the continent gathered in the courtyard of Mistral Hollow's packhouse. Over the last few days, I've seen my father glued to Alpha Zander's side. He has been making sure that the wedding ceremony is a grand success—leaving no stone unturned to appeal to the King of Caelondor.

But the previous morning, a raven arrived from the royal palace, informing us the King would be absent from the ceremony. He's at war with the kingdom of Wyvern, and has been for several weeks now. The disappointment on my father's face upon hearing the news was contagious. And moreover, the invitations can not be withdrawn.

Nobody seems to care about the Prince. Even though he is the most important person in the gathering. Not once have I heard anyone speak about his comfort, his wishes, his requirements. He's a stranger to them as much as he's to me. And he's unwelcome.

I stand before the mirror now, adorned in a jade bridal gown. It was picked by my stepmother, Celeste. For all the hatred she bears me, I'm surprised at how wonderful her choice is—a color that matches my eyes. Perhaps it is meant to be a mockery of my situation. Dressing me up in precious fabrics just to give me over to a ruthless, ugly man.

A maid brushes the locks of my blonde hair until it shimmers golden in the sunlight. She tugs a choker on my neck, embedded with a rare emerald and beaded with pearls. She fastens golden bracelets around my wrists before painting my lips with the rose extract and dubbing jasmine perfume on several parts of my body.

I think of Alec when I look at my reflection. "You're magnificent, El," he'd say before kissing me like there's no tomorrow. He never failed to woo me with his words and actions.

Now, I'm going to become someone else's. This is my life from this day on.

"Aren't you a sight to behold, dear sister?" comes Alina's voice from behind me. I turn on my heels, gasping when I see her standing on her feet—healthy and perfectly fine. She's draped in a silver robe, her mahogany hair weighing down her shoulders in elaborate curls. She reaches the fruit basket on the table, picking up a cherry before she continues, her voice smooth, "She's marvelous, Maa. Magnus would love her."

"Magnus can have her," says Celeste, grinning evilly at me. "And you, my Alina, can find someone handsome for yourself. Perhaps, another Prince."

All the air escapes my lungs. For a moment I can't breathe. I don't believe what I'm seeing. It barely takes me a few seconds to register what has conspired here... I've been tricked. I've been betrayed. By someone I have loved so much.

"Alina... how are you here...? What is all this?" I say, my voice muffled with shock. I clutch my neck, fury clawing at my insides. "I tended to you. I stayed by your bed. And all this time... it was just an act!" My voice booms across the chamber.

Bowing low, the omega maid withdraws, getting the cue.

Alina pops the cherry into her mouth and spits out the seed carelessly at my feet. "It's crazy what a lowly enchantress can do for a few obsidian dimes," she reveals. "But I assure you, all that vomit was real. That mage truly wrecked my stomach."

I take an angry step towards her, holding her prisoner in my tear-filled gaze. Celeste takes a protective stance, holding out her arm in front of her daughter. I mumble, "How could you do this to me, Alina?"

Alina's face twists as if she tasted something bitter. "What do you mean? You were alright with seeing me married off to that wretched beast?"

I shake my head in disbelief. "You knew I had a mate! You knew how much I loved Alec!"

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